My 13 month old son and I are flying next week to Chicago. I was wondering if anyone had any tips to share for flying with a toddler.
Thanks in advance for any help with this daunting adventure.
My 13 month old son and I are flying next week to Chicago. I was wondering if anyone had any tips to share for flying with a toddler.
Thanks in advance for any help with this daunting adventure.
Put him in a pet crate and have him ride in the cargo hold so I won't have to listen to him cry the whole time!
*Disclaimer to the sensitivity police - that was a joke.
If he's never flown before, I would suggest spending alot of time talking about it with him and playing it up a fun experience so it isn't too scary.
Pray he doesn't have a cold or ear ache the day you fly out.
Depending on how he acts when he's tired, you might try wearing him out so he sleeps the whole flight. My aunt does this and it works great.
Don't forget to pack some of his favorite toys (quiet ones please).
I suggest you bring some snacks and some activities to keep your child happy.
When my kids were small my husband happened to travel a lot. When we took long trips(my dad lives in Hawaii) he would buy a regular coach ticket and use his miles to upgrade. Totally worth it. The kids are fourteen months apart in age and travelling was quite a challenge. They may not have behaved better in first class but they had more room and I got free wine.
My son has been flying since he was just a couple of months old (now 12).
Make sure you bring a couple of sippy cups filled with whatever juice you can get at the airport after clearing security. Make the tike drink out of the cup at takeoff and landing. This will help clear his little ears.
Really, trust me, it will make your life much easier!
Yes Kim, you are so right.. always, have them suck on something as you take off and land.. air pressure kills those little ears.. also, Benadryl might help him sleep if it's a night flight. Bring Baby Tylenol in case his ears do hurt.. you'll know if they do.. he'll tug and cry... try to get him to yawn.. ( you can fake yawn until he does.)
Bring Plenty of small, never before seen toys & books. A DVD Player with whatever keeps his interest.. Wiggles or ??? Different Snacks, an umbrella stroller is a must in an airport .. (I helped a lady last flight who had to carry her baby around for hours because the flight was delayed and she didn't have a stroller.. dirty floors!) Extra diapers and clothes just in case of delays .....and lots of baby wipes for spills and messes & Plenty of patience - and mommy skills ie itsy bitsy spider, patty cake and peek a boo - have fun!
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Thank you all for your advice. I think I am getting more nervous than I should. I will definitely take his sippy cup and different juices. I think he may just surprise me and be really well behaved since it is a new experience. However, I am trying to get as prepared as possible for the worst case scenerio. I hadn't thought about the baby tylenol for his ears though. Thank you all for your help.
Good luck to you and I bet you will be fine. Most of the passengers around you should be understanding. Plus it's just a couple of hours out of your life and the destination should be a lot of fun.
I hope we sit by some friendly people. He would most likely flirt his way through the whole trip.
Try to be very friendly to the people sitting around you from the very beginning. If your baby starts to fuss or cry, acknowledge to your neighbors that you understand they may not be happy with you.
I fly a lot and I sure am more sympathetic to a parent who is considerate than a parent who ignores me and lets the kid scream/kick me/puke on me/etc and doesn't even apologize.
I would be so horrified he did any of those things. The worst thing I am predicting is him fussig because I want to hold him still. All these distraction tips are going to be used for that, and if I am lucky, he will sleep (haha).
pull his ears.
Really. An old lady, probably in her 300's, showed us on our first trip with teh rugrat.
Right after takeoff, gently pull his earlobes down and slightly forward. This opens the tubes and equalizes pressure.
Do it anytime he starts showing any discomfort, it will releive the pressure for him. I have since shown it to many many young mothers on planes with crying babies and toddlers... and it worked every time, much to the releif and grattitude of the mother and every other passenger. (I used to fly a lot)
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