I hope I have this in right area, but just wanted to post this and for those that do know me and have met me once.
I have found out over the weekend on thur night early morn my cousions 6 month daughter died. The father was home alone with the child when he called 911 saying the baby fell out of the crib and was not breatheing. The mother was not there but now information is saying she was there. At the hospital they tried to revive her but did not succeed, she was prounce dead at around 3:30 am fri morn. The report I have been told by my parents is there was bruises on the baby and the baby's head. Father claims she fell out of the crib and thats how she got them. How is it even possiable at 6 mnths for the baby to stand and reach the top of her crib and pull herself out? The hospistal said they looked to be previous old bruises. An autospy was ordered, and after being performed and the investigating officers said there is no doubt in his mind its child abuse. After the autospy was done its being claimed it was in fact child abuse and charges are pending being filed against the father and mother which the mother is my cousion. I can't ever see her doing something like this, she took care of her younger brother growing up. And also the great grandmother, my grandmother said she had seen bruises before on the baby but I guess did not do anything to find out the truth. Services are pending in norman with primrose, there was a article in the norman paper, and has been on news9, they have released the 911 tapes I have not got to listen, wish I could have, but from what I was told the father when called was calm and colllected and was not shocked that his own daughter was dead. So to me that itself points to abuse. This needs to be taught that if anybody suspects abuse anywhere even in your own family speak up say soemthing report, you never know it can be somebody this close that you know. I never got to see the baby, haven't seen my cousion in almost 5 years, she also had a older son, after the investigation was finished they took it because of suspicsion of abuse. My heart goes out for my cousion and I hope her the best. Would others here at okctalk put her and the rest of my family in your hopes and prayers that everything turns out ok. There more I know I will post an update.