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Thread: Supernatural Finale

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    Default Supernatural Finale

    * Spoiler Alert -- Potential Episode Details Below! *

    So what did everyone think of the season finale of Supernatural? I loved it... that was really some fine writing. Loved everything about it.

    I would have been okay with them ending the series right there, but I understand that the show has been renewed again next year. The cast will be back, but unfortunately the head writer will not (at least not as a writer). There's some talk that he may stay on as a producer or consultant of some type.

    I'm just curious what everyone thinks about a potential Season 6... good or bad idea? After this finale, what direction do you think the show will end up going in?

  2. Default Re: Supernatural Finale

    Finale was pretty good...

    Spoilers follow

    Cas saying "assbutt" because he couldn;t think of a better word was awesomely funny..

    Chuck's narration about the Impala being the most important object ever was cool..

    Chuck possibly being God was cool also(or maybe an Elijah-style prophet), but would have been better if that truly was the last episode..

    Same with Sam peeking in the window at the end - cool if this was the end, a little lame knowing there's a 6th season..

    Kripke had originally only planned for 5 seasons, he won't be back for the 6th and I'm scared the whole thing will go off the rails and end up like Smallville

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