Meg Alexander Reporting KFOR
5:26 PM CST, January 15, 2010
Breast Cancer Breakthrough
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- There is a breakthrough treatment for Breast Cancer that is reducing mastectomies. It was developed and tested by University of Oklahoma Cancer Institute researchers. In recent trials, they used microwave heat to kill and shrink tumors; it's called Focused Microwave Thermotherapy.
This technique is very successful when used in conjunction with chemotherapy since the heat makes chemo more effective.
The trials on large tumors had astounding results.
Tumors were minimized so greatly that the percentage of patients needing mastectomies went from 75 percent to just 7 percent. (Awesome!!)
Dr. William Dooley from the OU Cancer Institute says this could change breast cancer treatment as we know it.
"My hope is one day with technology like microwaves where we can shrink the tumor initially, we may be able to take these tumors out with a biopsy device and never really go to the operating room."
A number of other countries will be starting larger studies soon.