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Thread: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

  1. #1

    Default Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    Reuters is reporting that the Coast Guard actually opened fire on a small boat on the Potomac, apparently near the 14th street bridge (for the non locals, the 14th Street Bridge crosses the Potmac between Virginia and DC). No one seems to know anything about what that is about. Video doesn't show anything. Hopefully, it is nothing. Still, no one recalls when they've ever done this. Maybe they were worried that something was going on since President Obama was at the Pentagon for a ceremony. He would have crossed the bridge near where this allegedly took place. Probably there is little of concern in what actually happened but it is still enough to make people jittery.

    The FBI is now reporting that "something happened" and that the Coast Guard has the lead on it and will shortly give a statement.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Reuters is reporting that the Coast Guard actually opened fire on a small boat on the Potomac, apparently near the 14th street bridge (for the non locals, the 14th Street Bridge crosses the Potmac between Virginia and DC). No one seems to know anything about what that is about. Video doesn't show anything. Hopefully, it is nothing. Still, no one recalls when they've ever done this. Maybe they were worried that something was going on since President Obama was at the Pentagon for a ceremony. He would have crossed the bridge near where this allegedly took place. Probably there is little of concern in what actually happened but it is still enough to make people jittery.

    The FBI is now reporting that "something happened" and that the Coast Guard has the lead on it and will shortly give a statement.
    Just got word on this too, I didn't know about it until my phone blew up with people that think I still live in DC.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    Update - now the Coast Guard is saying it was a training exercise. If so, how stupid, given the day and the events. The Park Police are reporting that it was NOT a training exercise. What a cluster.

  4. Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    omg.. the 911 conspiracists will have a ball with this one..a training exercise on 9/11/09 ? I think not.

    I watched a special that implied that the training exercises held on all of the major terror events were just diversions.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #6

    Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Update - now the Coast Guard is saying it was a training exercise. If so, how stupid, given the day and the events. The Park Police are reporting that it was NOT a training exercise. What a cluster.
    By days end they'll say it was just a photoshoot.

  6. #7

  7. #8

    Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    It's kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, this news is unsettling in that our government has at its core a bunch of folks running the various branches who are really quite thoughtless. But that's nothing new.

    On the other hand, this news is really very positive. News reporters thought something was happening and they called everyone they could to let them know something was up and started reporting it on TV. The FBI, the Port Authority, and others took it seriously and began a response and began talking to their supervisors. Emergency control organizations began taking over and initiating planned emergency responses. This is actually very good news... it means no one is waiting around to be told by the government, or their superiors, that something bad is happening and we need to respond. People are just flat out ready to respond now. I think that's a good sign.

  8. Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    omg.. the 911 conspiracists will have a ball with this one..a training exercise on 9/11/09 ? I think not.

    I watched a special that implied that the training exercises held on all of the major terror events were just diversions.
    Isn't today the 12th?

  9. Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    This thread was started yesterday.. and it happened on 9/11 which is why everyone panicked at first.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. Default Re: Unsettling news report - 10:15 a.m.

    I didn't notice that. I wonder why it didn't appear in New Posts for me yesterday. Okay, so anything new on this today? I can see why everyone panicked. I didn't really realize the 9/11 yesterday.

    For me, it was normal, except that 2 of 10mg Lortab made me overslept 30 mins, but I got to work on time, I guess, I'm usually clocked in 5 to 15 minutes early. That's about the only thing that was off for me yesterday.

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