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Thread: Fox News' War on Christmas

  1. #1

    Default Fox News' War on Christmas

    Gawker.com reports that the Fox News' publicity department sent out this card to the press.

    They took "Christ" out of Christmas! There's no nativity scene, there's a Santa Claus and the greeting on the side of the building says "Happy Holidays"! Of all the humanity, where's Bill O'Reilly when you need him? What's that? He works at Fox News? That's kinda ironic, huh?

    Here are a couple of earlier examples of Fox News' (and its parent company's) campaign to take "Christ" out of Christmas.

    From Campus Progress:

    O'Reilly's credibility sinking faster than the Titanic

    ThinkProgress and The Majority Report have been covering News Corp (the parent company of Fox News) and how they invited everyone to a "holiday party."

    Well it turns out that Fox is apparently a full-on combatant in the war on Christmas, since it wasn't their only one. At the end of this post is a scan of an invitation to another NewsCorp "Holiday Party," this one with a Titanic theme, which, in itself, is really, really weird.

    So maybe it's time for Bill O'Reilly to start explaining why he's not objecting to his bosses having multiple parties refusing to acknowledge Christmas. (How can his heart possibly go on?)

    And this, posted previously on The Subjective Scribe:

    If we could just see Bill O'Reilly now... he has to be livid. The corporation that writes his paycheck apparently hasn't got Bill's "Talking Points Memo" about the "War on Christmas":
    From the November 28 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:
    O'REILLY: What's happened is frightening. A legal assault by the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] combined with the media that blatantly promotes secularism has succeeded in convincing some Americans that the words 'Merry Christmas' are inappropriate while celebrating the national holiday of Christmas.

    This, of course, is nuts. Anyone offended by the words 'Merry Christmas' has problems not even St. Nicholas could solve.

    (Courtesy Media Matters)

    Surely Bill received the following invitation to Fox News' parent company News Corp.'s Holiday Party.

  2. Default Re: Fox News' War on Christmas

    I will use this thread to make the following comment.

    Why is it these people have cried about "happy holidays," and not one person has done the same for "seasons greetings?"

    A bit two faced, I would say.

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