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Thread: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

  1. #1

    Default Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    Just saw this, how sad for such a Campus Corner institution to have to close! It looks like they don't want to but couldn't negotiate with their landlord. I hope Cafe Plaid doesn't close as well, that is my favorite lunch place. Maybe something that would do well in Norman like an Urban Outfitters or Banana Republic would take its place??

    Harold's Stores Announces Closing Of Its Norman Store

    (RTTNews) - Harold's Stores, Inc. (HRLS.PK) on Friday said that lease negotiations for the original Harold's store in Norman, OK were unsuccessful after several months of discussions with the landlord.

    After a number of attempts to reach an equitable lease agreement, the company's final submission on April 30, 2008 was denied. The landlord served the store with a notice of termination, which requires the company to vacate the space by May 31, 2008.

    Last month the company announced a consolidation of its Norman outlet location to its larger, 20,000 sq. ft. outlet warehouse in Oklahoma City, located at 8345 North Rockwell.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    That really sucks. I knew the outlet was closing, but not the actual Harold's. That's disappointing.

    But, uh, I thought Rainey Powell owned that building? I know they've sold most if not all of the Harold's company...but did Rainey Powell really just force his dad's old business out their original location?? I wonder what the story is behind the negotiations.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    I also thought Rainey Powell owned most of Campus Corner...seems weird that his family's business would no longer be anchoring the Campus Corner retail space facing Boyd.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    Quote Originally Posted by john60 View Post
    I also thought Rainey Powell owned most of Campus Corner...seems weird that his family's business would no longer be anchoring the Campus Corner retail space facing Boyd.
    The only think I can think of is they have someone who pay more for that location. I walked by today and they are already starting to do interior work next to Cafe Plaid. I couldn't tell if they were working on a new store or expanding Cafe Plaid, anyone know what is going on?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    It's just business Charlie

  6. #6

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    I heard Cafe Plaid is expanding.

    Commercial leases on Campus Corner are notorious for their inflated prices, surcharges and invasive clauses. Some request businesses to give the landlord gift certificates each month and pay for commons maintenance even when maintenance isn't performed. They also ask for a percentage of sales and immediate audits. I would think you'd wait until you have a thriving retail district (which Campus Corner hasn't been for a while) until you can get away with it.

    I'll miss Harold's as a Campus Corner mainstay and as a unique Norman store. Unique stores are what draw people to an area, but since students really don't care how they look going to class (I know In didn't), the demand of the preppy look has gone way down.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    Harolds sold out along time ago when they moved their HQ to Dallas. Sad day in Norman.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    I've always wondered about business traffic in the area. It must have been satisfactory or they wouldn't have been there so long. Yes, it's a sad day to see a mainstay store leave after all these years.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeopardude View Post
    but since students really don't care how they look going to class (I know In didn't), the demand of the preppy look has gone way down.
    any sense of looking good on campus died the day dudes started wearing flip-flops.... That was a sad day for ALL of humanity.....

  10. #10

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    Rainey Powell is the landlord of most of campus corner. It is a well known fact that he can be difficult to work with, but we do not know what occured in those negotiations. Cafe Plaid has been plannng on expanding their space for quite some time. They will not be leaving anytime soon. The construction that you saw was planned. The closing of the store was not!!! Making speculation about something that you do not know about is irresponsible. But let's not forget that there are people who still work there, so be kind in your comments.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    In today's Journal Record it said they were still hoping to work things out with the landlord.

    I sure hope so... Harold's in an institution at that location and I have tons of fond memories of the place.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    I absolutely do too.

    However, if the do move, they have a lot of prime real estate, and it is kind of entertaining to dream what kind of merchants would be drawn to such a high traffic area...
    Last edited by john60; 05-07-2008 at 01:07 AM. Reason: grammar

  13. #13

    Default Re: Harold's in Campus Corner closing

    The reports of Harold's death were mildly exaggerated. It's alive.

    The Norman Transcript - NEW: Harold's says Norman store to stay put

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