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Thread: Oklahoma City Stampede

  1. #51

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    I know..

    OKC Cities!

    We would be like ATM Machines or PIN Numbers. That would rock.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    sounds like the san antonio spurs did they get a bad wrap?

  3. #53

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    People around the country really do think Oklahoma is still in the horse and buggy days and half the population lives in tee-pees.
    that is total bs. if you fall for people saying stuff like that, it's you you need to worry about. nobody is that stupid to think these things about anywhere in the United States.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    sgt. pepper - you need to watch "Tougher in Alaska" and the Jewel biography on CMT. Most of Alaska is not on the electric grid and most homes still have outhouses. I am telling you there are people out there that think Oklahoma is a warmer version of Alaska.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by sgt. pepper View Post
    that is total bs. if you fall for people saying stuff like that, it's you you need to worry about. nobody is that stupid to think these things about anywhere in the United States.
    Actually, I used to work with a girl who was about 19 and she moved here from New York City area a couple of years before with her parents. She said when they first told her they would be moving to Oklahoma she really thought she would have to learn to ride a horse. She told us that she thought there were only dirt roads and we still had saloons where people tied up horses out front.

    Needless to say she was shocked when she arrived. At the time I worked with her she said she was really beginning to like Oklahoma City and was glad they moved here.

    So yes, stupid or not, there are people who still think that! Just goes to show how uneducated some people are about this country!

  6. Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by SWOKC 4 me View Post
    Actually, I used to work with a girl who was about 19 and she moved here from New York City area a couple of years before with her parents. She said when they first told her they would be moving to Oklahoma she really thought she would have to learn to ride a horse. She told us that she thought there were only dirt roads and we still had saloons where people tied up horses out front.

    Needless to say she was shocked when she arrived. At the time I worked with her she said she was really beginning to like Oklahoma City and was glad they moved here.

    So yes, stupid or not, there are people who still think that! Just goes to show how uneducated some people are about this country!
    Just because you know someone young and completely stupid doesn't mean that's a meaningful sample of the population.

  7. Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Haha well isn't it kind of a good thing that people expect the worse and always leave pleasantly surprised?

  8. Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Let's just hope with the constant media attention with an NBA team, those people will finally be educated. I think that us not being in the media constantly like other cities has a lot to do with the ignorance. And that's what it is.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    I think you are correct Un. It is one of the reasons I am glad to see OKC get a team. Just once I would like to show a person a picture of downtown OKC and have them recognize it.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I think you are correct Un. It is one of the reasons I am glad to see OKC get a team. Just once I would like to show a person a picture of downtown OKC and have them recognize it.
    Bingo. I related to your mention of the skyline as your laptop's wallpaper. I've shown pix of OKC and people are dumbfounded. I wish the people in this thread would not act so angry at us. We're just relating our experiences and it has nothing to do with "the crowd" we run with or anything else. It's a perception problem. An image problem. To deny it exists (and blame Kerry, me and others, because we're the messengers) is what is baffling to me.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    I remember wondering where in the world Charlotte was when they got the Hornets years ago. Alot of people wondered why a place that they had never thought about was getting an NBA franchise. Jacksonville, Florida is another example of this with their NFL franchise some years ago. I thought it was dumb when Nashville got an NFL team and thought it consisted of the Grand 'Ole Opry and a couple hundred thousand country music fans. Years later I realize how dumb I was about all of those places. Their national reputation has changed (at least in my mind). They all took giant leaps forward nationally with their first pro franchises. It will take some time but OKC's national reputation will change too. It took about 5 years before the awkwardness of those places wore off and people just accepted them without question.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Just because you know someone young and completely stupid doesn't mean that's a meaningful sample of the population.
    Didn't say it was a meaningful sample of the population, just making a point in response to Sgt.'s post that "nobody is that stupid to think these things about anywhere in the United States."

    I was suprised to hear what she thought also. I was just making the point that there are people out there that have this view of OKC. I am sure it is not a large percentage of people that think this but where there is one there is probably another.

    This is, however, a pretty extreme view and I am sure there are a lot more people that think OKC is much less than what it is even if not to this extreme.

    A LOT of people make assumptions that a city or place is a lot like it is portrayed "in the movies." Oklahoma has probably more often been seen in the movies/media as a "old west" like state. This is changing and that is good.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Or that stupid TV show on TNT that was supposedly about some cop in OKC, but they had horizontal street lights instead of vertical...

  14. #64

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    That stupid TV show is one of the higher rated programs. I think the writer could have gone less overboard giveing the characters last names matching town after town after town, but at least Hunter's character got switched to hannadarko.

    It's not a horrid show but yeah, it's not local shooting. All the same, I'm a Holly Hunter fan and a cop show genre addict to boot so yeppers, I do watch. But then, I'm a Law and Order multi-series junkie as well

  15. #65

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    That stupid TV show is one of the higher rated programs. I think the writer could have gone less overboard giveing the characters last names matching town after town after town, but at least Hunter's character got switched to handcar.

    It's not a horrid show but yeah, it's not local shooting. All the same, I'm a Holly Hunter fan and a cop show genre addict to boot so yippees, I do watch. But then, I'm a Law and Order multi-series junkie as well
    We may become fast friends! I watch little TV, but I absolutely love the whole Law & Order franchise. In fact, Law & Order:Criminal Intent is one of my favorites of all time. Vincent D'Onofrio as Robert Goren is one of TV's greatest ever detectives.

    SORRY! Back to topic I suppose - but I just love L&O:CI.

  16. #66
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Back to the topic. So you guys believe names create the lasting impression of the city? So Jaguars run loose in Jacksonville? And there are Grizzlies in Memphis? Of course, we all know Titans live in Tennessee. Or Saints in New Orleans (yeah, right). There are still Chiefs in KC running around? Wild bronchos in Denver? How about dodgers in LA (most of you probably don't even know what that stands for). And how about those redneck steel workers in Pittsburgh...who are always getting hi-jacked by the Pirates (those must be some kind of pirate boats to get to Pittsburgh). I know that Phoenix is a complete desert because they have the Diamondbacks slithering around. Or what about the Predators? or...............

    Lighten up and take the chip off your shoulders. This naming should be fun and a name that is easy and fun to market.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    i agree with you totally! ROVER, you said a mouth full of good old okie TELL IT LIKE IT IS!

  18. #68

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Back to the topic. So you guys believe names create the lasting impression of the city? So Jaguars run loose in Jacksonville? And there are Grizzlies in Memphis? Of course, we all know Titans live in Tennessee. Or Saints in New Orleans (yeah, right). There are still Chiefs in KC running around? Wild bronchos in Denver? How about dodgers in LA (most of you probably don't even know what that stands for). And how about those redneck steel workers in Pittsburgh...who are always getting hi-jacked by the Pirates (those must be some kind of pirate boats to get to Pittsburgh). I know that Phoenix is a complete desert because they have the Diamondbacks slithering around. Or what about the Predators? or...............

    Lighten up and take the chip off your shoulders. This naming should be fun and a name that is easy and fun to market.
    I'm sure glad you joined OKCTalk. Your posts have shown that we definitely needed straightened out from somebody far superior and knowledgeable than the rest of us; somebody to come here and tell us how the world revolves around millionaire developers (whose opinion is all that counts) and our experiences don't mean squat.

    And yeah, Rover, that's what we all thought - Jaguars loose in Jax, pirates in Pittsburgh, etc.

    Maybe you should lighten up and let everyone have an opinion about the naming of the team. Controlling personalities can easily be spotted in Internet forums - even in their first 26 posts.

  19. Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    That stupid TV show is one of the higher rated programs. I think the writer could have gone less overboard giveing the characters last names matching town after town after town, but at least Hunter's character got switched to hannadarko.

    It's not a horrid show but yeah, it's not local shooting.
    There's good things and bad things about the show. I still think the fact that we have a popular TV show that is set here outweighs the bad things like last names like Stillwater and Hanadarko. Everytime someone watches the show, they see Oklahoma City on the wall in the background, or they hear it mentioned. People are accustomed to seeing NYC, Chicago, and LA over and over, but seeing OKC will stand out and it shows that we are NOT living in teepees or riding horses.

    I was just watching it last night and they mentioned the "Presidential Suite at the Colcord" and she was drinking from a Johnnie's cup. It's good exposure, even if it leans a little more country than most of us would like. They shot more stuff for the second season here on location, so hopefully we'll see some more urban scenes and good skyline views.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    There's good things and bad things about the show. I still think the fact that we have a popular TV show that is set here outweighs the bad things like last names like Stillwater and Hanadarko. Everytime someone watches the show, they see Oklahoma City on the wall in the background, or they hear it mentioned. People are accustomed to seeing NYC, Chicago, and LA over and over, but seeing OKC will stand out and it shows that we are NOT living in teepees or riding horses.

    I was just watching it last night and they mentioned the "Presidential Suite at the Colcord" and she was drinking from a Johnnie's cup. It's good exposure, even if it leans a little more country than most of us would like. They shot more stuff for the second season here on location, so hopefully we'll see some more urban scenes and good skyline views.
    That's good to know! I've watched it only a few times and I do like the local references. Nice to know they will maybe be accompanying that with more shots of OKC. You're always good with the TV & films, jbrown!

  21. #71

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Stampeders is the team name for Calgary canada.
    Anyone checked out companies that do shirts and hats as to large orders recently placed?
    And any timeline as to when the name will be announced?

  22. Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    You're always good with the TV & films, jbrown!
    Thanks, I guess it's my specialty lol.

  23. #73
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Calgary is a cool town, grown alot like OKC. In fact, it is kind of a sister city to OKC. If you haven't been there lately, it is worth the trip to go there and out to Banff.

    But there I go again, trying to control you to go to Calgary....go to Calgary.... go to Calgary........................................

  24. #74

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    i sense we are getting way off base and a lot of hostility. so could we please stay on track here and advanced from 1st grade to 3rd grade?

  25. #75

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Stampede

    Quote Originally Posted by SCHOONER View Post
    i sense we are getting way off base and a lot of hostility. so could we please stay on track here and advanced from 1st grade to 3rd grade?
    Brother....that's the way to get back on track.....call me a first grader! So that's okay? Since you agreed with Rover's post - you're calling ME the first grader. That's offensive, SCHOONER, I think I liked you better when you arrived at OKCTalk and posted a new thread for every team name. Thanks for the moderation - and again, welcome to the forum.

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