Originally Posted by
Doug Loudenback
I kinda understand, but, when it gets down to the bottom line, where was Tulsa when Okc funded and soley paid for the initial MAPS Ford Center ... did Tulsa help? Okc is funding and paying for the arena's expansion/improvement, not Tulsa. Okc established itself as a market with the Hornets, not Tulsa. What Tulsa leaders put their necks on the line to accomplish any of the above?
No disrespect at all, but the pioneering here has been altogether done by Okc, not Tulsa. And, as a stupid and small point, it is Okc that has been ridiculed over this venture, not Tulsa -- Tulsa is "clean" and out of and above the fray. Sure, I want all in the region (not only Oklahoma, including Tulsa, Lawton, Ada, Stillwater, wherever, but also southern Kansas ... Wichita particularly) ... to feel that that they are are part of this team ...
... but, that said, ... where is "Ft. Worth" name in "Dallas Mavericks" (no disrespect to Ft. Worth which I think is a very nice city).