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I just learned something new. I've never heard the word 'snarky' before, I assumed that it might be defined as something sarcastic in nature.
No snark here. Just grateful that two people responded. Two is much better than zero. I shouldn't blame you for wondering if I was snarky. That's the problem with these forums, unless you know the person, it's easy to make assumptions.
Since you don't know me, I will share a bit about myself. George was sitting at my front door last Monday night when I got home. It was as if he knew I was on my way home. I had already taken in a stray in November, and there was no way I was going to do it again.
I put a box on my front porch, along with a towel for him to lay on and food/water. The next morning, he was lying on the porch directly in front of the door. It's almost as if he were blocking the door so that I couldn't get out without seeing him.
I brought him in and gave him a bath. He stood there in the sink and didn't flinch a bit. I think he may have enjoyed it. After keeping him for a day, I saw that I was getting attached to him, and I didn't want that to happen. I placed posters throughout the neighborhood and an ad on craigslist.com. Didn't get one single response from the posters. I decided to take him to the shelter Wednesday morning, in hopes that his owner may claim him.
To make a long story short, I felt guilty for two days, knowing that if someone didn't claim him quickly that he would be put to sleep. I felt selfish for not trying hard enough to help this pup, so I went back to the shelter on Friday morning and filled out the papers to reclaim him.
He's a sweet dog, and obviously someone's pet. If no one comes forward, I will keep him. Although some people have said that I should just let it go, I could not. Mainly because I have compassion for animals.
Now you know a bit about me, and I hope that you realize that there was no snark in my post.