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Thread: This makes me sick

  1. #1

    Default This makes me sick

    Saw this on Craigslist yesterday. We donated $50 to this shelter in Prague, OK. They are GREAT people who help abandoned dogs. We got our pups from this shelter last year... I can't believe this crap....

    Up date on *DIAMOND* Gr8 Dane

  2. Default Re: This makes me sick

    Makes you sick that the dog is getting help?

  3. #3

    Default Re: This makes me sick

    Owning pets should not be a right, it should be a revocable privilege.

    In some countries, it is a criminal offense to not spay and neuter your pets within 6 weeks of having them (unless you're a licensed breeder). It's simply inhumane that we haven't done the same thing over here.

  4. #4

    Default Re: This makes me sick

    No, it makes me sick that people leave their dogs for dead...

  5. #5

    Default Re: This makes me sick

    I think the idea that the poor thing was left on the side of the road in that condition is what was meant by sickening. Right?

    I'm sure glad someone took her in and is caring for her.

  6. Default Re: This makes me sick

    Maybe I'm just feisty today...But who's to say that the dog didn't just run away and the owners have been looking for her for months?

  7. #7

    Default Re: This makes me sick

    Gawd - yeah that's possible too. Who knows... I know if my dog ran away he wouldn't have a clue how to get home. After being at that shelter and hearing the stories tho...

    We rescued a puggle (pug/beagle mix) from there about 6 months ago. Those were one of those "fad dogs" that were selling for $700. Then someone dumped it at the vet after a few months.

    The real crime is what Midtowner said though. And puppy mills...

  8. Default Re: This makes me sick

    I agree. So sad.

    I love dogs...But I'm a neat freak and I'm mildly allergic...So chances are, I'll not get a dog until my (as of yet unconceived) children make me. But as soon as I do have one or three...They're getting clipped and chipped.

  9. #9

    Default Re: This makes me sick

    I am so glad there is somebody out there to help these poor animals too bad we don't have the same thing for our children. All we have is DHS who puts these poor children back in harms way.

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