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Thread: "Jesus makes people WANT to spend money!"

  1. #1

    Default "Jesus makes people WANT to spend money!"

    (Originally posted here)

    The REAL Rea$on for the $ea$on

    For all those who are fighting so hard to put "Christ" back into Christmas, perhaps they should re-read the New Testament (particularly the RED letters) and see how Christ's teachings mesh with this message from Florida Rev. Tim Bumbardner:
    "Be American. Celebrate Christmas. People spend more money. Jesus makes people want to spend money!"
    Think Progress has more on the message from the right-wing this holiday season:
    Over the weekend, Pope Benedict warned that “rampant materialism” was “polluting the spirit of Christmas.”

    Apparently, the conservatives in charge of the federal government don’t agree. This morning on CNN, Time reporter Mike Allen reported that President Bush and his allies will be “doing all kinds of things…reminding people the economy is good.” (For what it’s worth, the people don’t agree. Sixty-three percent of Americans view the economy as either “bad,” “very bad,” or “terrible.”) The Speaker of the House will be joining in the charade:
    The Speaker of the House — Dennis Hastert of Illinois — will be out Christmas shopping on camera, so you’ll see [conservatives] reminding people of the good news — if there was inflation, things like that.
    Of course, perhaps the Pope is wrong. According to Florida Rev. Tim Bumgardner, during his Dec. 1 appearance on the O’Reilly Factor, shopping is the reason for the season.
    Rev. Tim Bumgardner: Be American. Celebrate Christmas. People spend more money. Jesus makes people want to spend money!

    O’Reilly: I agree. I’m with you.
    What does the Pope know about Christmas anyway?

  2. #2

    Default Re: "Jesus makes people WANT to spend money!"

    So, would I be a better Christian if I just sent back my Christmas bonus with "hell no" written in the memo line of the check?

  3. #3
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: "Jesus makes people WANT to spend money!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    So, would I be a better Christian if I just sent back my Christmas bonus with "hell no" written in the memo line of the check?
    No, but you'd be a better Christian if you gave at least 10% or a fair share of your bonus money to your church.

  4. #4

    Default Re: "Jesus makes people WANT to spend money!"

    Why is that Jack? My church invented tithing but no longer requires it.

    -- you know.. after that whole counter-reformation thing?

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