Years before the storm it never made sense to me that New Orleans and Louisiana had to agree to subsidize Hornets revenue year over year. In case you are not aware, if New Orleans fails to produce enough butts in the seats the city and state have each agreed to make up for the shortfall each year. A conservative viewpoint would be: if a business doesn't believe enough in a particular investment to commit their own money, when does it ever make sense for government to step in and try to force a fit? Therefore, since Oklahoma is clearly on more stable financial ground to support a team outright without government subsidies, it makes it a no brainer for the team to remain in OKC. Bottom line, even before the storm, it was a stretch to place the team in New Orleans. Now, with the flood of tax dollars we are all sending to rebuild New Orleans, it is ridiculous to consider government financing of professional sports. New Orleans' priority should now be providing basic necessities and rebuilding.