So, this is a weird one, but this is the only place I know to post it.
Back in May of 2023, I went to Orlando with my family. We flew SW from OKC with a connection in Austin going there and coming back. On our way home, I noticed the skyline of OKC at the gate seemed off. See below:
It had to have been take prior to 4/19/1995 due one of the buildings there that is no longer standing.
I tweeted the Austin airport about it tagging Mayor Holt in the tweet as I thought it was odd. It got some traction, Austin issued an apology for not having an updated pic and showing a building that was destroyed by a terrorist attack. I thought that was it and went on about my day...
Fast forward to yesterday, I am scrolling through facebook and this story pops up.
I thought the pic looked familiar but had to go back and look. Sure enough, they used the pic that I tweeted back in May of 2023 for an airport story. An outdated photo, at that.
I am not complaining, I am not looking for anything. I don't care about photo credit, I just thought it was strange that they used a year and a half old photo for an article about the airport when there are so many stock photos out there to be used. Better ones, at that...