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Thread: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

  1. #76

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    KWTV, News 9 got a new set (again) and an updated graphics package.

    Their sister station, KOTV, The News on 6 in Tulsa also got the graphics rebrand, but KOTV is still on the original set when KOTV moved to the new location in Downtown Tulsa.

    As much content is shared between the two stations, I am surprised they (KOTV) haven't had a similar set refresh. When KWTV was at their Wilshire/Kelly location, the two studios looked almost identical. Unless KOTV is getting News9's former set, which would match closer and refresh the set in Tulsa?

  2. #77

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    On this story i saw that both of their old helicopters were destroyed in a tornado https://www.news9.com/story/67087d14...dq9Q__PXyN_9Dw

    I have a couple of questions on the matter

    1. How do you get Both of your Helicopters Destroyed at the same time if they are in 2 different metro areas

    2. Why did i see their old helicopter N9TV Landing in Fillmore, CA back on July 18th with the operator being GRIFFIN TELEVISION OKC LLC

    here is proof of the Fillmore, CA Landing. I am sorry, but it looks more like the tornado part of it was fabricated to push your new helicopter out

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	N9TV.jpg 
Views:	93 
Size:	17.4 KB 
ID:	19220

  3. #78

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    yeah they are outright lying when they say Skynews 9 was destroyed.
    there's this site advertisisng the sale of the Bell 407 N9TV https://avpay.aero/company/jet-advis...for-sale-n9tv/
    and it says "No major Damage (hail incident 2023)"

    News 9's Bell 407 was serial number 53361. That same model and serial is now registered as 718GH. https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinq...umberTxt=718GH
    and it appears to be making regular flights in California https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N718GH

    Another odd thing is in the video showing off the "new" helicopter, the tail number is N196TV, which historically is the number Tulsa channel 6 has used on its helicopters. But earlier this week on October 8th, they submitted a request with the FAA to change the number from N196TV to N9TV, the old skynews 9 callsign. That makes me think Griffin originally planned to give this helicopter to channel 6, but sometime after it was assigned Tulsa's number they changed their mind and gave it to OKC instead. https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinq...umberTxt=196TV

  4. #79

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    I think the News6 helicopter being destroyed is true or at least heavily damaged in its hanger that same night the News9 helicopter lost its front windshield. It kind of sounds like News6 got the short end of the deal with News9 getting a brand new helicopter for the bigger market and Tulsa getting a used replacement.

    It's sad that a news station gives half truths about its own news.

  5. #80

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    I don't have any doubt the helicopters could have been damaged in such a way that the insurance might write them off as a total loss. Break the canopy or windshield, damage electronic equipment, or anything that would affect the full, safe and professional requirement of the helicopter. If they have loss of use coverage that reimburses them for time on the ground AND loss of TV airtime revenue. If the parts are not readily available and the time to repair is 6 months or longer. That could make it destroyed in the eyes of Griffin, even though the insurance company could sell it and it could be repaired and safely flown again.

  6. #81

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Their old bell 407 was definitely not destroyed. There are plenty of videos from Jim Gardner and others that have tagged him. of him flying the helicopter around from May of 2023 till March of 2024. Their new awesome bell 505 is already in the shop and has been since Dec 10. Still have no clue why Griffin decided to get rid of their bell 407 for a much smaller, slower and less Hp, of a helicopter.

  7. #82

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by LAWZCON91HD View Post
    Still have no clue why Griffin decided to get rid of their bell 407 for a much smaller, slower and less Hp, of a helicopter.
    Guessing, but it was a way to lower the operational cost and insurance cost?

  8. #83

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    The downward spiral continues
    November 3rd 2024 tornado outbreak somehow caught News 9 Off Guard they did not come out on the air until the worst of it already occurred.
    Jordan Ryan doesn't appear on the staff page anymore
    Cassie Heiter Quit and is bound for Dallas
    Looks like they didn't need the new studio. Or the new helicopters. Or the new renovations.

  9. #84

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    I'm going to call it. In the next 5 to 10 years. KWTV and KOTV is no longer going to be owned by the Griffin family. They are going to have to sell it. On another note KFOR is also having the same problems for different reasons

  10. #85

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by TornadoKegan View Post
    The downward spiral continues
    November 3rd 2024 tornado outbreak somehow caught News 9 Off Guard they did not come out on the air until the worst of it already occurred.
    Jordan Ryan doesn't appear on the staff page anymore
    Cassie Heiter Quit and is bound for Dallas
    Looks like they didn't need the new studio. Or the new helicopters. Or the new renovations.
    I'm not sure I would call it a downward spiral, just like any company there is turnover or missed opportunities.

    - The November tornado probably caught a lot of people off guard, not just KWTV. It's not a typical severe weather season, and the "off season" where many in the weather department take vacation or planned absences, where probably from March-June, very little leave is allowed for maximum resources. The November 3, 2024 storms were not anticipated to be a signifiant event as essentially just a squall line, some heavy wind, and minor circulations were expected. Also the time of day the storms occurred is when stations operate with minimal staff on hand, as it was early Sunday morning. KOCO and KFOR have both had severe weather times where Damon Lane and Mike Morgan have not been at the station, and I'm sure David Payne also has been gone at times when significant weather has occurred.

    - Jordan Ryan - I don't know what happen to her, but noticed she was not on the morning segments anymore this week. It could be something as simple as she chose not to renew her contract or her contract was not renewed with KWTV.

    -Cassie Heiter had a great opportunity to go from Market 42 to Market 4 in DFW. She had been at KWTV for quite some time, and there didn't seem to be any upward advancement as both David Payne and Lacey Swope seem to be solid in their positions. Rick Mitchell left KOCO after many years too to go to NBC Dallas for an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

    - The new studio downtown on the surface seems to be Griffin's commitment to OKC. Griffin spent a lot of resources in moving downtown, when it may have been cheaper to do what KFOR did and just build a new studio and newsroom on their existing space at Wilshire and Kelley. A few years back they spent a lot of money in building a brand new building for KOTV in downtown Tulsa. As for SkyNews9, the helicopter was probably just keeping budgets in check. Insurance, maintenance, or fuel costs may have determined the downsizing.

    -One thing that may limit (or benefit depending on perspective) KWTV in operations is that there entire news and corporate operation is based within OKC and Tulsa. I would imagine they have a much bigger payroll by far than KOCO, KFOR, or FOX 25 as all their management and operations are locally based. KFOR, KOCO, and FOX 25 can have much smaller local staffs, as their corporate ownership out of state can handle a lot of the behind the scenes operations and personnel like HR, marketing initiatives, station branding, major engineering and IT staff as they operate across multiple stations in multiple states.

    All of our OKC affiliates are still producing significant amounts of news daily. While the news business has always been tough, I think in the era of social media and 24/7 news cycles when someone departs or a station misses an event, it comes with much more scrutiny.

    Griffin really pushes the LOCAL ownership throughout all of KWTV's branding. I don't know their financial situation, but I don't see them selling the stations. They also recently purchased 4 major radio stations in Tulsa, plus they have a number of digital billboards in OKC and Tulsa.

  11. #86

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by TornadoKegan View Post
    I'm going to call it. In the next 5 to 10 years. KWTV and KOTV is no longer going to be owned by the Griffin family. They are going to have to sell it. On another note KFOR is also having the same problems for different reasons
    If the Griffins sell, it won’t be because they “have to” for any negative reason. I read yesterday that the new FCC leadership is expected to be more favorable to consolidation than in recent years. Locally owned stations are rare and more valuable. The Griffins own the only one(s) in OKC. They will sell because the money is too high to refuse. 65-ish years of single family ownership is unheard of in TV.

  12. #87

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by TornadoKegan View Post
    I'm going to call it. In the next 5 to 10 years. KWTV and KOTV is no longer going to be owned by the Griffin family. They are going to have to sell it. On another note KFOR is also having the same problems for different reasons
    If they do not sell it in the next 5 to 10 years, will you please stop making predications?

  13. #88

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    If the Griffins sell, it won’t be because they “have to” for any negative reason. I read yesterday that the new FCC leadership is expected to be more favorable to consolidation than in recent years. Locally owned stations are rare and more valuable. The Griffins own the only one(s) in OKC. They will sell because the money is too high to refuse. 65-ish years of single family ownership is unheard of in TV.
    Is there a line of succession after David Griffin to keep it in the family? He's been at the helm since 1990, and the other, John Griffin is over the syrup and Griffin foods. That probably determines the direction KWTV and KOTV go in the future in regards to ownership.

  14. #89

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Interesting - Jordan Ryan is, indeed, erased from Ch 9's online presence everywhere. Profile gone, FB page gone, hidden like a cheater in Vegas. What's the over/under on how many days before the LostOgle has some scurrilous rumor on the story of her departure.

    And could someone possibly help me out with the KWTV hate that seems to underlie the OP? This a Mike Morgan sock account or something?

    I think given the current environment for local news, they're doing about as good a job as anyone can do. No, they're far from perfect, but they're doing what they can to keep local content relevant. I applaud them for that.

    And I also think Swope could take over as lead/chief met for Payne in a heartbeat should he opt to leave. Her work on that unexpected severe day a few months back was exemplary and absolutely hype-free.

  15. #90

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Interesting - Jordan Ryan is, indeed, erased from Ch 9's online presence everywhere. Profile gone, FB page gone, hidden like a cheater in Vegas. What's the over/under on how many days before the LostOgle has some scurrilous rumor on the story of her departure.

    And could someone possibly help me out with the KWTV hate that seems to underlie the OP? This a Mike Morgan sock account or something?

    I think given the current environment for local news, they're doing about as good a job as anyone can do. No, they're far from perfect, but they're doing what they can to keep local content relevant. I applaud them for that.

    And I also think Swope could take over as lead/chief met for Payne in a heartbeat should he opt to leave. Her work on that unexpected severe day a few months back was exemplary and absolutely hype-free.
    I think that when talent leaves in this modern, social media age they are removed as soon as they leave employment. Local reporters don't make much money nowadays, so a good, young person should move quickly to improve their lot. Either through a bigger market or employment in a compatible field (PR firm, corporate, government agency) almost all of which offer steady employment and scheduling for more money, Plus the ability to age out of camera range.

    I also recall that there have been many young local reporters who come through town on their way up. Pretty much like baseball, OKC is AAA, with some AAAA jobs for the right person. But, the best jobs are still in the majors.

  16. #91

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    I think that when talent leaves in this modern, social media age they are removed as soon as they leave employment. Local reporters don't make much money nowadays, so a good, young person should move quickly to improve their lot. Either through a bigger market or employment in a compatible field (PR firm, corporate, government agency) almost all of which offer steady employment and scheduling for more money, Plus the ability to age out of camera range.

    I also recall that there have been many young local reporters who come through town on their way up. Pretty much like baseball, OKC is AAA, with some AAAA jobs for the right person. But, the best jobs are still in the majors.
    There's only two reasons a reporter would stay in OKC for any length of time: they're already rooted here with a family or they're in line to anchor. With less people wanting to get into TV (for good reason) this market has pretty much become a stepping stone to bigger cities. If you have any level of competence, it's much easier to move up to a top 20 or even top 10 market than ever.

    And talent being erased from stations as if they never existed has been the status quo for news outlets for decades.

  17. #92

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Her Instagram said her last day was 2 weeks ago. She did not say what she would be doing going forward.

  18. #93

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    In regards to local ownership with KWTV, while I don't see KOCO or KFOR ever doing something like this, it appears that a national owner is doing away with local weather in all of their markets:


    They own quite a few stations across the United States, and media markets that would be considered severe weather markets:


  19. #94

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    ^^^^I think that is a good example of the economies of scale that are challenging local owners. Comedian Byron Allen is a smart businessman who figured out very quickly how he could buy the Weather Channel, and leverage their reputation and infrastructure to provide service. Get Jim Cantore, or somesuch, to work the national board, focus on regional severe action, and throw to local news/weather on-site reporters.

  20. #95

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by scottk View Post
    In regards to local ownership with KWTV, while I don't see KOCO or KFOR ever doing something like this, it appears that a national owner is doing away with local weather in all of their markets:


    They own quite a few stations across the United States, and media markets that would be considered severe weather markets:

    I hope this does not become a trend

  21. #96

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    ^^^^I think that is a good example of the economies of scale that are challenging local owners. Comedian Byron Allen is a smart businessman who figured out very quickly how he could buy the Weather Channel, and leverage their reputation and infrastructure to provide service. Get Jim Cantore, or somesuch, to work the national board, focus on regional severe action, and throw to local news/weather on-site reporters.
    Will those channels have local on the 8s throughout the newscast?

  22. #97

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by scottk View Post
    In regards to local ownership with KWTV, while I don't see KOCO or KFOR ever doing something like this, it appears that a national owner is doing away with local weather in all of their markets:


    They own quite a few stations across the United States, and media markets that would be considered severe weather markets:

    I bet they don't have a trillion kabillion watt radar.

    But seriously, no way they could provide the local storm coverage this area needs during severe weather. Hope it doesn't come to that.

  23. #98

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Our local Fox tried that a number of years ago and had the weather done from somewhere in Baltimore. It was short lived, however. A friend of mine was fired from the weather department when they went that direction.

  24. #99

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    If the Griffins sell, it won’t be because they “have to” for any negative reason. I read yesterday that the new FCC leadership is expected to be more favorable to consolidation than in recent years. Locally owned stations are rare and more valuable. The Griffins own the only one(s) in OKC. They will sell because the money is too high to refuse. 65-ish years of single family ownership is unheard of in TV.
    If Griffin sells, hopefully it won't be to a broadcast company that wants to lay off all its meteorologists.


  25. #100

    Default Re: KWTV News 9 on a decline.

    Another article on the consolidation at Allen Media


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