Re: Meter Parking Midtown and Automobile Alley

Originally Posted by
Plutonic Panda
So where are the employees supposed to park? There’s also ways to discourage that or make parking easier for some by having 2 hour parking limits where you have to move your car once every two hours or get a ticket. I don’t think very many district employees are parking until 10pm. I’m not against the paid parking but until 10PM? That’s a little much or at least a blanket, district wide 10PM hour extension is.
I also think this is going to tighten up the free parking lots as well. Currently most businesses seem to be pretty lax about enforcing the “parking only for customers” thing. If too many people start doing it I bet they tighten down on it.
Employees can park at lots/garages or better yet - take transit.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!