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Thread: OKC's Crazy Parking Meter Laws

  1. Default OKC's Crazy Parking Meter Laws

    Anyone else see the report on KFOR regarding parking meters?

    I've heard this was a law, but didn't think anyone ever enforced it. There was a guy who got a ticket, not because his meter expired, but because he parked for more than an hour at the same meter.

    I remember a report a long time ago about another OKC man that got a ticket for putting money in someone else's meter. The guy thought he was being a good citizen and keeping someone from getting a ticket.

    I know the city will say in the 1st case that if you are going to be more than an hour then use a parking garage and that meters are for quick in and out visits.

    The 2nd case is clearly for financial reasons.

    I hear the city council is considering meters that reset as soon as a car vacates a spot. No more "cool it's still got 10 minutes on the meter" as you pull up.

    Next it will be the meter that automatically issues a ticket so the meter maid doesn't miss it.

    Just doesn't seem 'friendly' to me.

    Luckily I have a monthly parking card.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC's Crazy Parking Meter Laws

    Quote Originally Posted by bailjumper
    i've heard this was a law, but didn't think anyone ever enforced it. there was a guy who got a ticket, not because his meter expired, but because he parked for more than an hour at the same meter.
    i didn't think that there was anything in law saying that someone could only park at a metered spot for an hour... i thought it was just that some metered spots had an hour maximum.

    Quote Originally Posted by bailjumper
    i remember a report a long time ago about another okc man that got a ticket for putting money in someone else's meter. the guy thought he was being a good citizen and keeping someone from getting a ticket.
    i remember this, too... what a joke. given all the bad pr around it, didn't the city end up rescinding the ticket?

    Quote Originally Posted by bailjumper
    i hear the city council is considering meters that reset as soon as a car vacates a spot.
    if true, that's dirty pool. besides that, i'd see many potential problems arising from implementing such a system... it seems to me as if the meter could reset itself in error, causing someone's time to expire early. besides that, the extra cost in installing/maintaining a more complex parking meter system would likely be higher than the additional revenue gained.


  3. Default Re: OKC's Crazy Parking Meter Laws

    The meters do say "maximum time one hour."

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC's Crazy Parking Meter Laws

    exactly... it's not like it's some universal parking meter law. -M

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