Since we don't really have a season to go with, I'm going to start putting in much of the severe weather items back into this post. January we saw a little snow but definitely not much to write home about. Going forward looks to be a pretty up and down pattern with more chances of severe weather and some winter weather mixed in. This thread will cover us through March since February is short and shouldn't generate that much traffic. Which means it'll be 50 pages long before March.

Current Conditions
Norman Warning Area Map Tulsa County Warning Area Map
Tornado Warning | Tornado Watch | Severe Thunderstorm Warning | Severe Thunderstorm Watch
Red Flag Warning | Fire Warning | Severe Weather Statement | Special Weather Statement
Hazardous Weather Outlook | Fire Weather Watch
Other Color Meanings: Web-Based Watch/Warning/Advisory Map Colors - NOAA's National Weather Service
Oklahoma Mesonet Current Conditions
Red - Air Temp, Green - Dewpoint, Barbs - Wind Speed/Direction, Gray - Gusts, Blue - Precip since Midnight
Severe Weather Information

SPC Convection (Severe Weather) Outlooks

*Click any above graphic to view discussion.*

Day 1 Outlook Tornado Outlook Wind Outlook Hail Outlook

Day 2 Outlook Day 2 Probabilistic Outlook Day 3 Outlook Day 3 Probabilistic Outlook

Days 4 through 8 Outlook

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

SPC Severe Weather Reports

Fire Weather Images

Oklahoma Mesonet Relative Humidity Image
Enhanced Colors - Blues are higher/colder cloud tops, Reds are warmer normally clear skies.

Oklahoma Mesonet -Burn Index Image
Image will appear blank overnight.
Oklahoma Mesonet Consecutive Days with Less Than 0.25" of Rain Image
Enhanced Colors - Blues are higher/colder cloud tops, Reds are warmer normally clear skies.

SPC Fire Weather Outlooks

*Click any above graphic to view discussion.*

State Radar Images
WSR-88D Twin Lakes WSR-88D Frederick
WSR-88D Vance AFB Experimental Test Beds or Specialized Radars
Some experimental products may not always be live or up to date.
Phased Array Radar (Next Generation Test Bed) CASA Radar Deployment - SW Oklahoma
Multi-Radar Products
Multi-Radar Hail Core Tracks (Past 120 min) Multi-Radar Maximum Expected Hail Size (MESH)
Multi-Radar Products
Multi-Radar Rotation Tracks (Past 120 min) Multi-Radar Azimuthal Shear Composite
State Satellite Images

Oklahoma Mesonet Visible Satellite Image
Image will appear blank overnight.
Oklahoma Mesonet IR Satellite Image
Enhanced Colors - Blues are higher/colder cloud tops, Reds are warmer normally clear skies.

Oklahoma Mesonet Water Vapor Satellite Image
Enhanced Colors - Dark gray/black is dry air, bright white/colorized is higher moisture content/colder air.
Snowfall Images
24 Hour Snowfall Totals

6 Hour Snowfall Forecasts
6 Hr 12 Hr 18 Hr 24 Hr 30 Hr 36 Hr 42 Hr 48 Hr


Step 1) Go the main page: High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)
Step 2) Click on 3km HRRR-CONUS hourly
Step 3) Under Domain select SC for South Central US
Step 4) Look at the time frames available. Usually if it isn't through Hour 06 yet, I'll just go up to Date and select the previous time.
Step 5) Depending on what you want to see you can click on the specific time or to loop all the times available you'll see a Check Mark under loop. You can click that to loop them all.