Originally Posted by
Dale Birchett
Well this really got my heart pumping when I read it. Some of us have proposed using goats to manage the greenery on the banks of the Oklahoma River and on the South Rockwell Land fill mountain but without any show of enthusiasm from the City.
The dam at Lake Hefner would be another great place to use goats so I contacted the Utilities Department and asked if there were in fact City goats on the dam. I received a reply from the Water Quality Superintendant that sadly there were no City goats on the dam. He suggested that they might be deer that crossed Hefner from Bluff Creek.
However, in his email I did find a compatriot in that he has been suggesting using goats to maintain the steeply sloped banks of the Hefner Canal! I'm thinking City Goatherder might not be such a bad job, but I guess we would need to Oklahoma-ize it to something like Goat Wrangler or Goat Marshal.