I want this thread to be a list filled with links to publised lists of where Oklahoma City ranks in both good and bad categories.
We all see the lists of best cities of the U.S. or the worst cities in the U.S. So where does Okc rank on these lists?
I will start it out by listing the 2006 Forbes magazine "Best Places For Business And Careers" Best Places For Business - Forbes.com Oklahoma City ranks 13th in the U.S. in this category.
Here is another link that we shouldn't be so proud of The Fast-food capital of America: Oklahoma City - Apr. 12, 2007
I know many think that City rankings don't mean alot, but I for one do. I think that it is important for Oklahoma City to rank high in everything from education, air quality, health, business, etc..
Also I do realize that many of the city lists that you see have bias and the statisitcs can be skewed. However these lists are important to Oklahoma City for economic growth. Whether you like it or not people read and look at these lists to determine thoughts of what makes up a city. Another thing is if you believe that a list has a bias then we could all send email to the publisher of such lists to demand a change or demand that Okc makes the list.