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Thread: Wicca/Pagan

  1. Default Wicca/Pagan

    I guess this would be in the right topic area, I have been looking into this, was about 2 years ago but am wanting to get back into it, is there anybody that has any info on it, beside saying go to the libary went there today have a couple books on it was all they had, don't want to go buy any books if I lose the interset than I have books I wont use. I know there is a store in norman that deal with it, but again don't want to buy anything if I don't have to. There has to be a group somewhere that meets up for meetings, there is one I think was in norman at one time don't member when it was or where, hopeing maybe somebody here has some insight on wicca/pagan that would be of interest to me. The books I have now one I started today has been interesting so far.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    My daughter is very interested in this.. I studied it a little in Private School. We did all kind of religions.

    What would you like to know, or want me to ask her?
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  3. Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    I am wanting to know anything I can find out about it, guess its a intro into wiccan, I just got done with a book tonight called wicca demystified written by bryan lankford, it was a good book good info. Is there a coven? think it would be called or group thats local to look at joining or getting some info from there. I am wanting to know what its like, or what its going to be like, I have looked into a little a couple years back, but never did really go more in depth with it. I know a little about, thtey beleive in good energy, there is no negative energy or negative thoughts, from what I read tonight and gather you are one with earth, and have much respect for mother earth and all that roam mother earth, there is more I want to learn, from what I have understood so far, its a pretty well relaxed religion I guess I could say.

    If your daughter is interested in this I would like to know what she has found out about it, maybe working with her and see what info we can dig up and find on this, I do have some links to some forums I am going to research on and see what else I can find out.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    dirt I will have her register on here tonight. she can tell you so much more than I can. She is very involved in it.

    She has learned alot by reading books and talking to others. She is a member of a few sites I think.

    I will tell her as soon as she gets home, you will find her interesting on this subject

    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  5. Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    Cool I will be most the night anyway doing some more looking anyhow.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    Wicca is a hodge-podge "pagan" religion that was invented in the 1950's.

    If you're actually looking for a meaningful pagan faith, why not research the ancestral religion of your people? For instance, I'm (obviously, lol) an Odinist; that is, I follow the pre-Christian faith of the northern European peoples. I'm part of The Oklahoma Great Plains Kindred, which is a local group, and also part of the Asatru Folk Assembly, and the Asatru Alliance, both of which are national organizations.

    I used to be a follower of Wicca (for almost 10 years, actually), and while it was more spiritually satisfying than Christianity, it never quite hit the spot. Once I found the path of the folkways of my ancestors, I have felt complete.

    I don't know your ethnicity, so I wouldn't know in what direction to point you, but I suggest you study the folkway of your people. You'll be surprised how fulfilling it will be.


  7. Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    From what I've studied and read over the years, Wicca definitely comes out as one of those "feel good" type belief systems. I read a bit on the Ordinic Rite...and it doesn't sound too far off either. Probably the biggest attraction to the Wicca-like religions is that they aren't too different than the mainstream religions. Wicca has the Goddess that is the core of the beliefs, much like God with Chrisitianity. Ordinists seem to have, please correct me if I totally slaughter this, more of an ancient setup with multiple "gods" for different things. Wicca also seems to pull some close ties to the beliefs of Native Americans as well - with the focus on Mother Earth and loving everything that lives.

  8. Default Re: Wicca/Pagan

    I noticed that there are a lot of local meetups (groups of like minded, searching, interested folks) that meet on a regular basis in the yahoo groups. One that seemed particular interesting wasn't designated as any particular path other than Learning about and making use of life force energies. That one seemed to cover a host of interesting topics, beliefs, etc. One, I think meets or will begin meeting over around Harrah, but you can request a certain area that contain a number of interested names and that information is readily available.
    Too old NOT to care

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