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Thread: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    Grant awarded for neighborhood improvements

    City grants totaling $60,000 have been awarded to six neighborhood organizations to build gateways or identity signs at the entrances to their neighborhoods.

    The grants were given as part of the City’s Neighborhood Partnership Grant Program. The program allows neighborhood groups to pledge volunteer time, supplies and professional services to match cash grants for projects such as the gateways.

    “Gateways give us identity, and identity helps create pride in our community,” said Georgie Rasco, executive director of Neighborhood Alliance.

    Organizations receiving the latest grants include:

    • Doffing Neighborhood Association
    • Helm Farm Neighborhood Association, Inc.
    • Memorial Heights Neighborhood Association
    • Westlawn Gardens Neighborhood Association
    • Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc., representing an
    area along NE 23 between Kelley and I-35
    • North Creston Hills Neighborhood Association

    Each group received a grant of $10,000.

    Grants can also be used for neighborhood projects such as graffiti cleanup and prevention, crime patrols, community gardens and landscaping.

    The Neighborhood Partnership Program is open to incorporated neighborhood groups representing low- to moderate-income neighborhoods as defined by the 2000 Census. To find if your neighborhood qualifies for this program, contact the Oklahoma City Department of Neighborhood Services at 297-2655 or e-mail kay.buzzell@okc.gov.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    Meanwhile, as you're looking at the new sign, you don't see the pothole that there was not enough money to properly repair, so now you're out the cost of a new tire, rim, and realignment.

  3. Default Re: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    In my neighborhood, we financed the signage ourselves, and for a lot less than ten G's. (Then again, it's small and unobtrusive.)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    Does the city follow up on these grants to make sure the money is used appropriately.

  5. Default Re: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    Georgie from the Neighborhood Alliance told our new Neighborhood Association (Urban Neighbors, Downtown's Neighborhood Association) about them. You could always call her office for more info. I also believe the grants are available for other organizations as I think Downtown OKC was going to apply for one.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    Actually Misty, downtown also has the original downtown neighborhood association. Downtown Residents Association or simply DRA.

  7. Default Re: Grant Awarded for Neighborhood Improvements

    When I told the Mayor's office about the association he referred me to Jeff Bezdek, who started DRA. We've asked Jeff to be our first President. Jeff put in a lot of work over the years and we are very happy to be "official" now and to have his expertise and experience.

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