Got this off of Edmunds....Been trying to convince my wife for years that changing her oil every 3,000 miles is a crock....All about getting you into the service station frequently so they can upsell you on a $200 cabin air filter![]()
Oil's Slippery Slope: My Advice -- Stop Wasting It!
A recent AP story about oil change intervals has again confirmed what many automotive experts have known for years: Too many people change their oil too often. That statement likely goes against the "common wisdom" of dedicated automotive enthusiasts. After all, the image of the average American car owner is one of a mindless dolt who has never even cracked the owner's manual. This person certainly doesn't know (let alone follow) his car's service schedule. And while there has always been the mindless dolt minority that is forever oblivious to proper car care the majority of American car owners do try to maintain their vehicle. And, at least when it comes to oil change intervals, most of them are actually trying too hard.
To put it simply (and go against all those Jiffy Lube commercials), if you are changing your oil more than once a year or more than every 5,000 miles you are likely wasting time, money and a limited natual resource. I find it somewhat ironic that in a hyper-fuel-saving-awareness era few people consider the level of waste involved with unnecessary oil changes. Let's not forget the raw material that gasoline comes from, right? But as this article states, oil ain't what it used to be -- it's much better! Whether you want to talk thermal breakdown or water contamination modern lubricants are simply much better at resisting it.
Yes, under extreme conditions like high temperature driving, long-distance towing or short trips with stop-and-go conditions oil can break down quicker, but it's those conditions that call for 5,000-mile intervals -- and even that's borderline wasteful in my opinion. If you aren't subjecting your vehicle to the above conditions then 7,500 miles is certainly no problem. Unless you use a synthetic motor oil, in which case you're probably wasting money if you use each batch for less than 10,000 miles. Remember, while Ford just upped their oil change interval from 5,000 miles to 7,500 miles other companies use sensors to track oil life, and many of those systems don't suggest an oil change until between 12,000 and 15,000 miles!
Obviously the fallback position is to simply follow your car's service schedule, and if you're driving an older car it's going to specify an oil change between 3,000 and 5,000 miles or every 6 months. As a practical legal disclaimer I must officially defer to your owner's manual. Unofficially, I change the oil in my vehicles (which range from a 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T to a 2005 Ford GT) once a year or every 7,500 miles. And because my Ford GT uses synthetic oil, I'm probably still wasting oil with that schedule (call me kooky for wanting to keep a $150,000 exotic under warranty....). Bottom line, changing a vehicle's oil every three months or 3,000 miles is almost certainly wasteful. I'm not sure what kind of "extreme" driving conditions would warrant this frequency, but I've yet to hear them described to me.
Of course you'll probably get a different opinion from your local service station if you ask them. Hmmm...I wonder why...
Posted by Karl Mar 26, 2007 6:05 am