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Thread: New consignment store downtown

  1. #1

    Default New consignment store downtown

    I was walking on Main St. between Robinson and Broadway today and noticed a sandwich style street sign pointing to a retail front between Subway and Main St. Cafe and it mentioned a new consignment store featuring men's and women's clothing. Didn't have time to go check it out but I'll try to soon. Anyone else notice this or know anything more about it?

  2. Default Re: New consignment store downtown

    Are you sure its new? There has been a consignment shop in that hallway for years. On the West, between the elevators and the cafe.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New consignment store downtown

    No, I'm not sure it's new, just new to me. I frequent downtown alot since I live here but have never noticed it. Perhaps making it somewhat visible is new to them? Don't know to be honest with you. I think it was called NBC (Name Brand Clothing consignment shop)

  4. Default Re: New consignment store downtown

    FYI - the Main Street Cafe is now closed down. Something to do with the previous owner selling it to a former waitress and really screwing her over on the deal.

    I think the clothier you are referring to is the one I'm thinking of as there is only one in that hall. Probably just decided to put a shingle out to attract business.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New consignment store downtown

    Yeah, I knew the Main Street Cafe was closed but the sign is still up. Thought I would just use it as a reference point for those who don't know. That's sad to hear about it though. You're prob right on the consignment shop. Man, too bad they won't advertise or have a better sign up. It might help attract more clothing retailers downtown.

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