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Thread: apology

  1. Default apology

    I want to apologize to the people on this board that were not involved in the recently closed discussion.

    At my age, I have lived through a lot and learned a lot. I have had the rare privalidge of being taught politics through the eyes of some of the biggest players in the history of this country. Most of which, my family has entertained in our home many times. As well as watching from the eyes of the candidate and state campaign chairmen, many races that shaped our state and nation. Plus, I am the son of the founder of what is now known as the department of securities.

    This has given me major insite as to the workings of state and national govenment. In addition, being a founding father of my elementry school in 1963, and just being an adult, I have certain opinions that many share. I share these based on logic and what is best to fund a well under funded economy. No particular topic is meant by this.

    Some people can not accept the fact that with my age, insight, and life experience, I can judge an idea who's time might just be right. Granted. They are entitled to their own opinion, however, that opinion should be given, then move on. I do not have to justify my reasons, nor repeat them as if I was an AK-47 in the middle of Crenshaw, Blvd in Los Angeles.

    All I ask is the respect anyone deserves. The right to be heard without being trampeled on and insulted, as well as my education and background being attacked.

    I had enough to the degree I fought back a little to aggressively, and I am sorry. I try to be civil. However, it is quite difficult when you are bombarded with "tell me why," when I already have.

    Sparring matches are not the right form on this board. Again. I am sorry I got as angry as I did. It should not have happened.

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: apology

    Thanks mranderson for your attempt to make an apology here. Let's just move on to other topics and forget about it.

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