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Thread: OKC and NBA

  1. Default OKC and NBA

    Here is a thought. Before you decide to insult someone's intelegence (which most of you have no authority in that area since you do not know therm) think about this. It is simpally an idea. Maybe a very long shot, but ONLY an idea.

    Oklahoma City becomes a city that hosts teams while their arenas are being rebuilt or for other long term (one year or more) displacements. Plus, in the rotation for the All Star game. We could even host the NBA championship series.

    Not a bad plan if it would work.

    However. I would all but be willing to place bets that Oklahoma City gets the Sonics within a year.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    I'd rather OKC not become an 'innkeeper'.

    The All-Star game is a possibility, even if we do not end up with a team as soon as would be liked. Especially with Vegas hosting this year.

    The NBA Finals are a home and home affair. Not a chance on that one. Just think if the OKC team (whoever that winds up being) made it to the NBA Finals, you would rather have home games to go to or just to have in your city.

  3. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Yeah, there is zero chance NBA would part with the home-home set up. That wouldnt be fair to season ticket holders for those teams.

  4. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Here is a thought. Before you decide to insult someone's intelegence (which most of you have no authority in that area since you do not know therm)
    Now, now... no one is insulting anyone's intelligence here. Why would we do that?

    Ideas and discussions are always welcome and encouraged.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Just get ready for the Sonics and Storm.

    If they make it to the finals, then we'll have our NBA or WNBA finals.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  6. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Why would anybody go to watch teams that are only here temporarily? And even if that were a good idea, how often do teams get displaced from there city temporarily? ONCE EVER. Cities don't rebuild arenas, they build new ones. Just look at what's happening in Seattle.

  7. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Why would anybody go to watch teams that are only here temporarily? And even if that were a good idea, how often do teams get displaced from there city temporarily? ONCE EVER. Cities don't rebuild arenas, they build new ones. Just look at what's happening in Seattle.
    You just have to pick a fight. Think about what i said, junior.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    I think OKC lands the Sonics which is interesting because Sonic's headquarters just down the street. I would love to see a renovation of the Ford Center before they come where the blue seats are replaced by green seats, the main entrance gets some nicer lighting features, and the exterior is bathed in green LED lights. I like the banners all over downtown with the different Hornet's players, I would think they would do the same with the Sonics or any future NBA team.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I like the banners all over downtown with the different Hornet's players, I would think they would do the same with the Sonics or any future NBA team.
    It will be on a much larger scale when we get our own team!

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    Here is a thought. Before you decide to insult someone's intelegence (which most of you have no authority in that area since you do not know therm) think about this. It is simpally an idea. Maybe a very long shot, but ONLY an idea.

    Oklahoma City becomes a city that hosts teams while their arenas are being rebuilt or for other long term (one year or more) displacements. Plus, in the rotation for the All Star game. We could even host the NBA championship series.

    Not a bad plan if it would work.

    However. I would all but be willing to place bets that Oklahoma City gets the Sonics within a year.
    Why would anyone insult someones intellect from the NBA. By the way, you correctly spell intelligence and simply like this. Anyhow as many have said, we don't want to be a "inn" for teams and it is a rare occurence that teams build new arenas. If anything, I think the NBA owes us an All Star Game if we're at least a year off from another team.

  11. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I think OKC lands the Sonics which is interesting because Sonic's headquarters just down the street. I would love to see a renovation of the Ford Center before they come where the blue seats are replaced by green seats, the main entrance gets some nicer lighting features, and the exterior is bathed in green LED lights. I like the banners all over downtown with the different Hornet's players, I would think they would do the same with the Sonics or any future NBA team.
    Here is what I would like to see. The Sonics drop the "super" and become simpally the Oklahoma City Sonics. Bennett sells a share to Sonic Industries, and they buy the naming rights to the arena from Ford, changing the name to Sonic Center. The team colors are changed to the same as Sonic drive ins, and the seats in the arena also reflect that color scheme. Built in advertising.

    Then Sonic brings back Frankie Avalon for advetising and he formally dedicates the Oklahoma City Sonics' first game.


  12. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    You just have to pick a fight. Think about what i said, junior.
    I get a nickname? Awesome!

    I don't know how you think that we would continue to support temporary teams over and over again. People don't care if they have no home team to root for--hence why I could care less about the NFL.

  13. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I get a nickname? Awesome!

    I don't know how you think that we would continue to support temporary teams over and over again. People don't care if they have no home team to root for--hence why I could care less about the NFL.

  14. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I think OKC lands the Sonics which is interesting because Sonic's headquarters just down the street. I would love to see a renovation of the Ford Center before they come where the blue seats are replaced by green seats, the main entrance gets some nicer lighting features, and the exterior is bathed in green LED lights. I like the banners all over downtown with the different Hornet's players, I would think they would do the same with the Sonics or any future NBA team.
    BG, I have to agree. Maybe we should root for the Sonics to have one more year in Seattle, a lame duck year. That way, OKC can make some big time improvements to Ford Center (which is what they planned anyways once the city landed a permanent team).

    Bennett will lose in Seattle (no doubt about it - Seattle city said no, Washington state will say no, or if WA state says yes - King County will say NO, unless there is a vote of the people, which then the people of King County will say NO). Get it??

    So, Bennet will announce he is trying to work behind the scenes - then after season tix are sold (probably dismal since we Seattle folks are known to be rather intelligent - knowing the Sonics are gonna move), he will announce this is the last year in Seattle. He will apply for and get approval for the move to OKC for the 2008-2009 season; he'd have to pay for a buyout from Key arena for the 2009-2010 season but that is only one year, and Im sure the profit he'll make in OKC for the Sonics and Storm will more than make up for it.

    Meanwhile, in 2007 after the Hornets leave and the WA politcs work themselves out around Summer - OKC announces high end improvements (ala what BG said above) to Ford Center, along with the funding of a practice court and centre.

    Hopefully, the Sonics will have their hq in one of the skyscrapers downtown instead of the practice facility, but no doubt the coaches and players would need space at the facility in addition to the weight rooms, conditioning, and of course - courts. I hope the facility is built in downtown south and wouldn't it be nice if it shared architectural elements of the Ford Center. ..

    Also, during this time - several new hotel projects are fast tracked as well as a ton of street front retail and restaurants (for other than JUST Bricktown). Bricktown itself spruces up and quality infill gets fast tracked - along with the existing and new housing announcements. The upper portions of Bricktown buildings fill up with office and/or loft housing and our new skyscraper is under construction.

    All of this .. so that, in late September 2008 or whenever the preseason is; the Sonics have an open house in their new home, which is SOLD OUT in season tix. The Sonics have a new revamped team and look which matches their prime sponsor SONIC (but of high quality not drive in). Ford Center might be renamed since there might be more $$ in naming rights now - not sure about Ford's contract.

    The new Sonics also have a preseason game in Tulsa, and Wichita (if they have an arena), and Little Rock (maybe Kansas City/STL also) - to drum up regional support for the team (through cable sales as well as regional/transient tourism). And because Tulsa's 66ers D-league team becomes the primary farm club of the Sonics, strong ties develop such that the whole state embraces the team.

    In OKC, the Sonics are one of the most successful in history - hopefully they even make it to the playoffs. This first year of success (and profit for Bennett) proves to be lucrative enough that the team continues to be profitable and shine for OKC; spin-off benefits show up for OKC (and the state).

    We all live happily ever after (N.O. Hornets probably move to STL after one year back in N.O. with little success and Seattle gets another team once they build an arena, in 5 years).

    Some DREAMS do come true. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  15. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Yeah no support for the tempoary idea. We wouldn't want to do that at all. You never really own a team and so the fans never get "in" to the teams. Look at how bad support went down once the city knew that the Hornets were leaving for sure. Nix....completly nix.

  16. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Originally Posted by jbrown84
    Why would anybody go to watch teams that are only here temporarily? And even if that were a good idea, how often do teams get displaced from there city temporarily? ONCE EVER. Cities don't rebuild arenas, they build new ones. Just look at what's happening in Seattle.

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    You just have to pick a fight. Think about what i said, junior.
    I just do not get you sometimes, Mr. Anderson. If someone disagrees with something you propose, or offers you an alternative point of view, they are either picking a fight AND/OR too young to know any better.

    You have some good thoughts, and a genuine interest in OKC and the entire state and that's great. You're to be commended for that. But in my opinion, your attitude towards others with opposing points of views/opinions leaves something to be desired.

    OKCTalk is a place for discussion and the sharing of ideas. Not the bashing of those same discussions and ideas because they go against your own. Disagreements are ok. Heck, they're even expected. But please disagree with the statements based on something other than the age of the person (a form of ageism btw) or simply because it goes against your personal views/beliefs

    Sorry to get off topic everyone. I know this has been addressed before and probably won't change a thing, but I needed to share my thoughts. I'm sure I will be bashed for sharing them. What remains to be seen is the reason for the bashing.

    Have a nice weekend!

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    I like the idea of having Sonic Drive-In as a major sponsor but I would hope they would keep their green colors. It would be awesome to see green seats throughout the arena and green and white-clad Oklahoma Sonics fans. Also the green exterior lighting would be nice on the Ford Center and maybe other downtown buildings as well.

    Maybe a good place for a new practice facility and team HQ would be the site of the U-Haul in Bricktown along Reno, or one of the empty lots across the street. Very close to the Ford Center and would enhance the entrance for vistors and fans into Bricktown from the Ford Center, which is currently not that great with those empty lots...

  18. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Uh, the city owns the Ford Center....ie no green seats. Personally, I think that would look horrible. And the Ford Center wouldn't only be for Sonics Basketball...what about the Blazers or the Big XII or other stuff? I'd much rather keep the neutral blue/grey they have now. Green...yeauk :P

    No practice facility downtown either. The land is too prime for real economic development. A place like that would take far too much surface area for what it would be worth.

    The empty lots will fill in. Think about how much the area has filled in since MAPs. I think we're just impatient on the whole Bricktown thing. Give it time...it's only been 10 years.

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    No practice facility downtown either. The land is too prime for real economic development. A place like that would take far too much surface area for what it would be worth.

    The empty lots will fill in. Think about how much the area has filled in since MAPs. I think we're just impatient on the whole Bricktown thing. Give it time...it's only been 10 years.
    When we get a permanant NBA team, there will more than likely be a practice facility very close to the Ford Center.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Why would anybody go to watch teams that are only here temporarily?
    Good question, but I think this idea is qualified with not having a permanent team. In that case, I think there is a market to watch in-season games, especially with match-ups that have marquee players. People will pay to see the Shaqs, Kobes, and Jameses of the athletic world, even if it is not "their" team. If anything, Oklahoma City already proved that. Granted, they probably would not be able to sell out all games at regular NBA prices, but there is definitely a price point for any NBA game and if it would make sense for the temp team, then I would welcome it. It's much better than the arena that we paid for going dark 40 more times a year.

    And even if that were a good idea, how often do teams get displaced from there city temporarily? ONCE EVER. Cities don't rebuild arenas, they build new ones. Just look at what's happening in Seattle.
    And that's the real issue. This doesn't happen very often, if ever again. BUT, if it does and Oklahoma City doesn't have a team, bring it on. Why not?

    The Sonics drop the "super" and become simpally the Oklahoma City Sonics. Bennett sells a share to Sonic Industries, and they buy the naming rights to the arena from Ford, changing the name to Sonic Center. The team colors are changed to the same as Sonic drive ins, and the seats in the arena also reflect that color scheme.
    I hate this idea and cringe every time I hear it. Professional sports have sold just about every part of their identity they can, except for their actual name. I realize that it probably wouldn't be taboo in this day and age to do so, but I can't think of anything more hokey.

    I'd just rather see Sonic build their promotions around the team from the top down rather than forsaking what little tradition is left in pro sports. It sounds very bush league to me, and that’s what we’re trying to shake with this deal.

  21. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    Good question, but I think this idea is qualified with not having a permanent team. In that case, I think there is a market to watch in-season games, especially with match-ups that have marquee players. People will pay to see the Shaqs, Kobes, and Jameses of the athletic world, even if it is not "their" team. If anything, Oklahoma City already proved that. Granted, they probably would not be able to sell out all games at regular NBA prices, but there is definitely a price point for any NBA game and if it would make sense for the temp team, then I would welcome it. It's much better than the arena that we paid for going dark 40 more times a year.

    And that's the real issue. This doesn't happen very often, if ever again. BUT, if it does and Oklahoma City doesn't have a team, bring it on. Why not?

    I hate this idea and cringe every time I hear it. Professional sports have sold just about every part of their identity they can, except for their actual name. I realize that it probably wouldn't be taboo in this day and age to do so, but I can't think of anything more hokey.

    I'd just rather see Sonic build their promotions around the team from the top down rather than forsaking what little tradition is left in pro sports. It sounds very bush league to me, and that’s what we’re trying to shake with this deal.
    1. WHEN it happens again, and we do not have a permanant team or if the Oklahoma City Sonics decide to eventually take what they will incorrectly see as a better deal, it will create good will. A great PR move. And on the subject of ever. Ever is not here yet, so we can not predict when and if something will happen again. It probably will (the reason I said WHEN it happens again). Afterall. What area has the sceond most tornadoes behind Oklahoma? Texas. Three teams. Three cities. Three tornadoes. And that is just a small number of possibilities.

    2.and 3. The only other thing we can do is give Seattle permanant rights to the colors (which, by the way are not current) and name Sonics. We take a VERY high risk of some hick cowboy name, however. Plus. If Sonic Industries does not do it, someone will eventually, someplace. So, we might as well get it over with.

    And, yes. The tought was around not having a permanant team, and being the backup until we GET a permanant team.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    The only other thing we can do is give Seattle permanant rights to the colors (which, by the way are not current) and name Sonics. We take a VERY high risk of some hick cowboy name, however. Plus. If Sonic Industries does not do it, someone will eventually, someplace. So, we might as well get it over with.
    I don't really understand this. Why would Seattle want permanent rights to the colors and name and why would the team want to sell them to Seattle? The colors and name belong to the team, not the city. If they get a new team, it will have its own colors and name. If we get the team, we get the name. Just like when a company is sold, it sells its brand with it. The name is the brand. We don't have to cahnge or sell anything. It was already bought by Bennett.

    We take a VERY high risk of some hick cowboy name
    Only if they cahnge the name. I don't think Super Sonics is a cowboy hick name and, i agree, I would hate for it to be displaced by some hick name.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC and NBA

    The Browns left their name and colors in Cleveland when they moved to Baltimore and became the Ravens. However, I don't think Seattle has the same attachment to the Sonics as Cleveland did with the Browns. Plus, Cleveland was promised the next expansion team by the NFL so they had a use for the name. I don't see Stern making the same offer to Seattle.

    I like the name Supersoncis and with Oklahoma's aviation history the Ford Center might become a nice place to display some of the heritage. Plus, space travel is coming soon to Oklahoma so the name will fit in even better.

  24. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    Yeah just keep it as the Super Sonics.

    Certainly I'm fine with hosting a displaced team again if that happens, but your initial post makes it seem you want that as a permanent situation. OKC the babysitter...

    And a tornado will not displace a team. The reason it's only happened once ever (yes, that means everything up til NOW) is because it takes a catastropic event that damages all possible facilities in a city and sends many fleeing for good or at least months or years. That's not going to happen again for a long time.

  25. Default Re: OKC and NBA

    anderson, I don't know why you keep calling Sonic Industries. It's Sonic Corp.

    Maybe this is what you're looking for: Sonic Industries

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