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Thanks Bail Jumper, exactly, Old Chicago is known for two things, it's deep dish pizza (I think by now I've made it obvious I wasn't impressed) and it's world beer tour (I'm not a drinker). So, if I was craving deep dish pizza and don't know where else to get some in this town, and a new place that is famous for it opens up, of course that is what I'm going to try there. And on the buffet, I tried what limited items they had on it. Like Bailjumper said, I'm not going to order a side salad or a sandwich. If I want that, I'll go somewhere that is known for their sandwiches or side salad. When I'm expecting famous "Chicago Deep Dish" and they don't deliver, why wouldn't I base my two experiences on that. Like I said, I'm not being "close minded" I'm judging based on my experience. Secondly, I did say I would probably go back again, I just won't go out of my way to do so regularly since I wasn't impressed.