Until Christmas, I'm going to add a Deal a day - keep in mind, I'm Googling and finding deals to pass on and take no responsibility for anything you do after the fact!
I don't personally endorse any of these but I do think they are great deals.
Buyers - do your homework before clicking!
Xbox 360 Platinum with Hard Drive
$359.09 After Coupon
Xbox 360 includes system with hardrive, headset, and one wireless controller. Overstock has it for $398.99. Click through this link, add the Xbox 360 along with any non-media item (like this PDA Case for $4.95 to your cart to get 10% off your entire order. This coupon does not work on the Xbox 360 by itself; You have to add another non-media item.
Disclaimer: I take no responsiblity for misprints or expired codes or for anything else for that matter :-)