What's your favorite movie theater?
Cinemark Tinsletown 20
AMC Crossroads 16
AMC Quail Springs 24
Harkins 16
Penn Square 10
Northpark 7 - 2nd Run
Crossroads 8 - 2nd Run
Brixton Square 8
Kickingbird Edmond
Hollywood Spotlight 14
What's your favorite movie theater?
Good to see Quail Springs only tied with Tinseltown. I go to the movie too often, and Tinseltown would be my number one even if it wasn't the closest. Prime Time at Tinseltown is cheaper than matinee at Quail. Bring your plastic bag, dump your large popcorn, and hurry back for your free refill before the show starts!
Quail Springs 24 because it's the closest. Harkins is nice too though.
NE, you forgot "bring your bulletproof vest and don't forget to remove any valuables from you car."
I prefer the second run theaters because I can not stand to waste nearly ten bucks on a movie I can see for a buck and a half... With no crowd.
nothing against thrift, but I has visited the "dollars" in the past, with my primary complaint being the crowd! The second run theatres also generally have smaller screens, diminishing the experience. At Tinseltown (no body armor required) 2 matinee tickets, a large popcorn (free refill) and a large drink cost $15.00.
A cheap date by anyones standards.
Sacrifice. The smaller screen (who cares, chances are you are in the middle of the theater or farther back anyway), I have rarely gone to a second run theater with a large crowd, and if there is one, I wait. In fact, the last first run I saw "Walk the Line," it was so crowded, I had to sit on the first row, and that movie had been playing for two months. No snacks. They are WAY too expensive. Cost? $2.00-$3.00... For two.
An inexpensive date by anyones standards. Yes. Yours IS cheap. It is not a good value, so that is cheap. Mine is a good value. I can save that $13.00 or more and eat dinner... For two
The only thing is....you better know the girl reallllyyy well before you take her to the dollar theater for a date!
Before I met THE woman, I took a lot of them to second run theaters. There were only two one night stands. The rest were long term. So, it did not bother them. Plus, any woman who dumps a guy because he saves money is not worth any mans time. Second run theaters weed out the golddiggers.
Very true!Originally Posted by mranderson
With the exception of Quail Springs, at any first run theatre in town you should be able to get decent seats as long as you don't show up 2 minutes before the movie starts. AMC Quail is the only overcrowded theatre in the metro. None of the others come close.
I chose AMC Quails Springs simply because they are the most likely to offer a smattering of smaller independant features from time to time instead of having the same big budget movie taking up 3 screens like other theaters often do. Yes, I have to drive out to suburban hell to see them, but when it's the only theater in town playing a film I want to see, I do it.
Yes, Quail Springs is always crowded.. but it is still where we go all the time, we really enjoy it.
I don't know about how special a woman would feel if a man took her to a dollar movie on the first date.Plus, any woman who dumps a guy because he saves money is not worth any mans time.
I think a matinee in a nice theater is far preferable to a dollar movie.. you are still showing your thrifty side and still saving a buck without appearing hopelessly destitute. We are talking about a first date, your one chance to make a first impression on someone special. Think about this, you take your date out and spend $2 on her? And you want her to be impressed with your budgeting? It's just not the time or the place for that in my opinion.
I go to dollar movies all the time with the kids... they don't mind the sticky floors, poor picture and sound quality nearly as much as I do.
But a first date??
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
We dont go to the movies anymore.. Blockbusters usually have 4 movies for 20 bucks and I can pop my own popcorn.. why go out face a crowd when I can drive right down the street buy the movie for 4 dollars we can watch over and over again..
"You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White
So you can see the movie when it's new and before your friend spoils the whole plot for you.
Yukon was my favorite for quite some time when seeing a movie there was only about $3. My cousin and I went all the time when we were young, we even had the plastic cups you could get cheaper refills in for a whole year until they made the new ones.
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