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Thread: I've got some news...

  1. #1

    Default I've got some news...

    I don't typically share personal things on this board, but this is news that I have to tell everyone...

    My wife is gonna have a baby girl!

    We got married in June and it didn't take long. March 31st is the due date. Her name will be Isabella Joy and we'll call her Bella.

  2. #2
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: I've got some news...

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke View Post
    I don't typically share personal things on this board, but this is news that I have to tell everyone...

    My wife is gonna have a baby girl!

    We got married in June and it didn't take long. March 31st is the due date. Her name will be Isabella Joy and we'll call her Bella.

    Excellent news! Congratulations, Luke . I know you both will make great parents.

  3. Default Re: I've got some news...

    Congratulations Luke!!!!! Wow, that is so wonderful.... best wishes to you..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: I've got some news...

    Congrats, Luke! I have some friends who did the same with their baby Isabella.

    All the best for the baby, mother, and (yep) father!
    Continue the Renaissance

  5. #5

    Default Re: I've got some news...

    Congrats Luke...Like the name

  6. Default Re: I've got some news...

    Still corrupting young minds

  7. #7

    Default Re: I've got some news...


    Have a ceegar!

  8. #8
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: I've got some news...

    Congrats! Isabella is a beautiful name.

  9. #9

    Default Re: I've got some news...


  10. Default Re: I've got some news...

    Yay for you, Luke! That's fantastic! Best wishes to you and your growing family.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  11. #11
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: I've got some news...

    Congratulations Luke!

  12. Default Re: I've got some news...

    Treat her like she was the most important person in the world. Teach her the vertues, the social grace, the political beliefs, and the other lessons the wisdom of age brings. Those so dear to your heart.

    Those moments will be special. Just for you and your child. Comfort her. Support her. Honor her. Pamper her.

    Then one day, when the time comes, she just might get up on a stage, with a message to the ones who admired and respected you and pay a loving tribute to you. She just might start it the same way I did just this past week by tearfully and lovingly uttering the words... "to me he was and always will be... My daddy."

    Congradulatiuons from the Anderson family. I will ask dad to watch over her for you.

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