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Thread: The new Moore monthly magazine

  1. #1

    Default The new Moore monthly magazine

    I read some of this newsletter/mini-mag that was delivered to my home on Friday

    If I remember correctly it said at the current pace the city will run out of room for home and/or commercial development by 2016

    Is Moore that small area wise?

  2. #2

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    What is the name of the magazine? I've heard something about it but haven't heard the name or where to get it.

  3. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Moore is around 22 square miles, which is not exactly huge. (Newcastle, with less than 7,000 people, covers nearly 50; Norman has over 175 to work with.) And Moore has no place to expand; it's completely surrounded by Norman and/or Oklahoma City.

  4. Exclamation Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by MrZ View Post
    What is the name of the magazine? I've heard something about it but haven't heard the name or where to get it.
    It's named after the same public access show on Cox Ch. 22 (i think) in Moore. But now that I've typed that out, I can't think of the stupid name! LOL

    I want to say Spotlight on Moore, Moore Spotlight or Moore Insight.

    Ok...why did I just type all that out?

    Oh well....it's late and I should be in bed!

  5. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    OKC needs to deannex some land...

  6. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    OKC needs to deannex some land...

  7. #7

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    I work for OKC delivering notices and driving from one end to the other, THEY DO NEED TO DEANNEX SOME TURF. "Mercy!"

  8. #8

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    There is something better looking and better quality now than that Moore monthly magazine. its called My Hometown Moore. Its direct mailed to every home and business with local postive stories about people, businesses and lifestyles

  9. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Sounds awful.

  10. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    It's named after the same public access show on Cox Ch. 22 (i think) in Moore. But now that I've typed that out, I can't think of the stupid name! LOL

    I want to say Spotlight on Moore, Moore Spotlight or Moore Insight.

    Ok...why did I just type all that out?

    Oh well....it's late and I should be in bed!
    There are 2 shows I can think of that are on Channel 20 (thats what I've got it on), the public access channel for moore. They play "Moore Business Spotlight," and "Inside Moore." Both are interesting and I enjoy watching them.

  11. #11

    Lightbulb Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Sounds awful.
    The New My Hometown Moore Magazine is the best deal for business and residents. You would not believe how afordable it is to run and ad in their magazine for 12 months and in color! Oh my gosh!!!. One entire year of advertisement that goes directly to your customers home or business. I can't believe how easy that is. It is not like the Moore American or the Moore Monthly. Those papers have to be picked up by the customer and taken home or wherever.
    If you own a business or just want to advertise your home day-care or lawn mowing service this is your place. Check out their website and prices for your self. I am sold! Welcome My Hometown Keep up the good work.

    P.S. The stories of life are really wonderful!

  12. #12

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    You have to read it to appreciate how unique it is. The concept of going to the customer instead of the cutomer picking it up is awesome. Check it out..........

  13. #13

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    I think people are mixing up 2 magazines. There is the Moore Monthly which is a rack magazine and then there is the gloss color cover My Hometown magazine that is delivered to Moore and SW OKC homes covering zip codes 73153, 73160 and 73170 with an immense circulation of 34,000 every month. My Hometown Moore magazine did not carry anything like that. So I assume its the other one.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    I think they should just combine Moore-Norman just like they have Dallas/Ft Worth in Texas.

  15. #15

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    The two cities should be completely connected on I-35 (business wise) within 10 more years at this rate

  16. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    So how do you arrange having the hometown magazine delivered? I've never even heard of it until now. That means there are people that live in like 34,000 homes that I dont know around me. WEIRD.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    It's direct mailed, so the postman delivers to the home or business if your address is database. They cannot gauranteed that because just like any other mail anything can happen but the Post office is always reliable. if you are not recieving and are in 73160 and 73170 zip codes just contact the company and they add you on. Otherwise extras are always available at Chamber of Commerce or magazine office

  18. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Hi guys,

    I'm the editor of Moore Monthly (the magazine you get in racks around town). Our parent company, Trifecta Communications also produces the Inside Moore and Moore Business Spotlight television shows for the City of Moore, airing on Cable Channel 20.

    Wanted to let everyone know, we recently produced a one-hour historical documentary about Moore called "Moore's Stop, An Historical View of An Oklahoma Community." Toby Keith did the narration. The documentary is the City of Moore's official Oklahoma Centennial project and will air on OETA June 7th at 8:00pm and again on June 10th at 1:00pm. As OETA is a statewide network, we hope this will be good publicity for the community.

    There have been a number of public showings in Moore since January. The last one is scheduled for April 5th at 7:00pm at the Moore Public Library. If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth taking a look.

    Also, whoever started this thread, thanks! Our hope with Moore Monthly was to create a neat magazine that Moore residents could embrace as their own. Hopefully we're hitting the mark. If you like it, a lot of credit goes to our killer design layout team at D'Sign House. If you don't like it, I'll take the credit. Either way, the April issue is on stands now.

  19. Talking Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Top of the Fridge View Post
    Hi guys,

    I'm the editor of Moore Monthly (the magazine you get in racks around town). Our parent company, Trifecta Communications also produces the Inside Moore and Moore Business Spotlight television shows for the City of Moore, airing on Cable Channel 20.

    Wanted to let everyone know, we recently produced a one-hour historical documentary about Moore called "Moore's Stop, An Historical View of An Oklahoma Community." Toby Keith did the narration. The documentary is the City of Moore's official Oklahoma Centennial project and will air on OETA June 7th at 8:00pm and again on June 10th at 1:00pm. As OETA is a statewide network, we hope this will be good publicity for the community.

    There have been a number of public showings in Moore since January. The last one is scheduled for April 5th at 7:00pm at the Moore Public Library. If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth taking a look.

    Also, whoever started this thread, thanks! Our hope with Moore Monthly was to create a neat magazine that Moore residents could embrace as their own. Hopefully we're hitting the mark. If you like it, a lot of credit goes to our killer design layout team at D'Sign House. If you don't like it, I'll take the credit. Either way, the April issue is on stands now.

    Welcome to OKC Talk!!!

    Please feel free to chime in on the goings-on with the City of Moore.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    Welcome to OKC Talk!!!

    Please feel free to chime in on the goings-on with the City of Moore.
    I second that...Please go right ahead and scoop us on anything you hear before us common folk get wind of it

  21. #21

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Hello wonderful people

    The purpose of this post is to clear any confusion in the Moore forum. I see it going back and forth mixing two magazines. Hence the need to clarify. Thank you to Moore monthly editor for your post. We are all thank full for the one that started this discussion.

    As I mentioned before, do not confuse My Hometown Moore magazine a free magazine delivered to your homes and business with the Moore monthly which as its editor stated clearrely is a rack magazine. We are all serving the people of Moore with 2 different products serving uniquely different needs. We at My Hometown Moore are proud to contribute in the magazine industry in this community. Both magazines are here to serve this community. We love you all.

    I am the Managing Editor of My Hometown Moore which covers Moore and SW OKC. This is a publicatioon of EX-3 Marketing Inc which I am also its Managing Director.

    The April magazine will be in yoru mail boxes soon. Feature stories include the new First Baptist Church huge community event center, Ranchwood a 21st Century technology vet store, Easter Candy, karaoke stories and MY-Y articles about Moore from Moore residents to name a few. Also watch out for the contest to win a free dinner at Dales BBQ.

    Thank you

  22. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by EX3MKT View Post
    Hello wonderful people

    The purpose of this post is to clear any confusion in the Moore forum. I see it going back and forth mixing two magazines. Hence the need to clarify. Thank you to Moore monthly editor for your post. We are all thank full for the one that started this discussion.

    As I mentioned before, do not confuse My Hometown Moore magazine a free magazine delivered to your homes and business with the Moore monthly which as its editor stated clearrely is a rack magazine. We are all serving the people of Moore with 2 different products serving uniquely different needs. We at My Hometown Moore are proud to contribute in the magazine industry in this community. Both magazines are here to serve this community. We love you all.

    I am the Managing Editor of My Hometown Moore which covers Moore and SW OKC. This is a publicatioon of EX-3 Marketing Inc which I am also its Managing Director.

    The April magazine will be in yoru mail boxes soon. Feature stories include the new First Baptist Church huge community event center, Ranchwood a 21st Century technology vet store, Easter Candy, karaoke stories and MY-Y articles about Moore from Moore residents to name a few. Also watch out for the contest to win a free dinner at Dales BBQ.

    Thank you

    No confusion here. I've seen both publications and enjoy them both!

  23. #23

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Thank you Intrepid

  24. #24

    Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Ex...It is one of the few things I don't automatically toss in the garbage

    I guess that's a compliment right?

    J/K....It's a welcome addition to our fine city

  25. Default Re: The new Moore monthly magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    I second that...Please go right ahead and scoop us on anything you hear before us common folk get wind of it
    I'll do my best to drop info and rumors of info here first before they hit the Moore Monthly or the television shows, particularly in the area of economic development.

    On that note, I can tell you that a developer has plans to build on the west side of the Riverwalk area right behind the strip mall where Alfedo's is located. His plan is to build streams and waterways around a group of high end retail shops that will feed back into the main canal. He also intends to build restaurant sites that extend out over the large pond at the south end of the canal. Hooters is said to be interested in one of those sites. This is all extremely preliminary, so it could all fall through or change at any time. But it is in the works.

    Also, Furrs is planning to build a restaurant in the vacinity if the new theatre. As I understand it, it won't be a cafeteria but some sort of new concept to compete with the Hometown Buffets of the world, but with better quality food. We'll see.

    Of course you can check Moore Monthly for the latest economic development news in our monthly "Boomtown" column. More details on some of these items may appear there soon.

    On a different but related note, we have added a new section to the Moore Monthly website called "Survey Says." Each month, we'll offer a community related survey question for residents to answer. This month the question is, "Which restaurant would you most like to see move to Moore?" There are several listed to vote from, some of which have expressed an interest in Moore and some that haven't. At the end of the month, we'll forward the results to the economic development department at City Hall in case they want to inform the respective restaurants of the community's interest. So far TGI Fridays is ahead (and at one time they did express an interest in Moore.) You can only vote once from the same computer. You can also see voting results so far. Go to Moore Monthly

    If you see something being built around town and wonder what it is, jet me a question on this thread and I'll try to find out.

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