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Thread: Say goodbye to Hokie Okie Spartan

  1. Default Say goodbye to Hokie Okie Spartan

    Well it was fun while it lasted, but apparently a rule in the TOS (it's ch. 124 sec. 2 article 5 clause 4 line 8) states something about usernames...so Hokie Okie Spartan is no more. Kiss it goodbye...

    Interestingly, no one called me by my abbreviation which is basically hoss...

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Say goodbye to Hokie Okie Spartan

    I'm trying to be fair by the rules we created. If one person wants their username changed, everyone else will. We have to limit it somehow. There's reputation at stake in a name, thus the reason for the rule. More information can be found here: http://www.okctalk.com/announcements...html#post71604

  3. Default Re: Say goodbye to Hokie Okie Spartan

    I realize you are being fair...

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