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Thread: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

  1. #1

    Default Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

  2. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    Yes, isn't it?! I hope that the project doesn't get screwed because someone has their facts wrong (not that I know what they are as to the RFPs and/or qualifying for matching funds). Hopefully, someone involved will have their research nailed down, first hand.

  3. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    I have no idea who's side to take on this.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    The problem stems from going after federal money in the first place, which necessarily ties voluminous federal regulatory crap to every step of the project. While I reserve the right to change my mind, I tend to believe that WaterTaxi is getting the shaft on this. Keep the feds out.


  5. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    I'm a little skeptical about the $100K in r&d that WaterTaxi is claiming. Perhaps they thought they had a deal made with OKCURA when they really didn't. It looks like a total mess at this point, but I guess we will need to wait and see what kind of proposals come in.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Large sums of money being spent by COTPA for apparently nothing isn't really a novel concept unfortunately.

    Check into some of their garage management/maintenance contracts sometime. The Santa Fe garage, for example, because of such things has yet to operate with any profit to this date.

  7. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave
    The problem stems from going after federal money in the first place, which necessarily ties voluminous federal regulatory crap to every step of the project. While I reserve the right to change my mind, I tend to believe that WaterTaxi is getting the shaft on this. Keep the feds out.

    I agree, SoonerDave. We should also remember when we talk about "federal money," that we're talking about taxpayer money - taken from paychecks. If I was sitting in Portland, Maine (for instance) I would be a tad angry that I was helping subsidize water taxis on a downtown canal in Oklahoma City! PORK.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    I think they should call it what it is. It is not a water taxi. Now, I know that the name of the business is WaterTaxi but it is going to be anything but that in OKC. A taxi does not take 1 hour to get from Meridian to Downtown. They should call it a river tour.

    I think they are only calling calling it a taxi to get federal funding.

  9. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by keving
    I think they should call it what it is. It is not a water taxi. Now, I know that the name of the business is WaterTaxi but it is going to be anything but that in OKC. A taxi does not take 1 hour to get from Meridian to Downtown. They should call it a river tour.

    I think they are only calling calling it a taxi to get federal funding.
    Bingo, keving. I never realized what was going on with this scam.

    Do I have this right? Have they been getting federal money for the canal rides, or is this just for the river portion? Either way, it's obvious that they are calling this thing a "taxi" so that they can technically claim that they are providing "transportation" in Oklahoma City. (You know, we all take public transportation from Zio's to Bass Pro! And, a boat from Meridian to downtown is public transportation as defined by the federal government?) As much as I think the canal boats are nice, we should do what's right and call this for what it is: a scam to bilk the feds for $$$. Pork.


  10. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    No, it's not the canal. Just the river.

  11. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    So, it's just the sightseeing river ride that is getting federal "transportation" funding. Nice.


  12. #12

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Water Taxi pulls out of bid process


  13. #13

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Are the water taxi/dinner rides still a go-ahead?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Good gosh, more of this political buddy-buddy who's-scratching-whose-back nonsense. Why aren't any of our "investigative journalists" at any one of our local TV outlets investigating this?

    There was a time when bid-rigging was illegal...but not if you're "in" with the "right" people in the City and/or COTPA in particular.

    What a joke.


  15. #15

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Sooner -- it's still illegal to rig these things. Conspiring to do so, for example, would probably break the open records act.

  16. Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    They are out of the running, so I guess there's no rigging here.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    COTPA is a joke

  18. #18

    Default Re: Water Taxi challenges COTPA's RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    They are out of the running, so I guess there's no rigging here.
    They said they were out of the running because it essentially appeared that the selection had been made before the process began.

    Hence, rigging.

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