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Thread: Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

  1. #1
    pepsi88 Guest

    Default Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

    Twice within 30 seconds this morning, KOCO newscaster Tierney Cook encouraged viewers to watch an upcoming broadcast of "incredible, SEXY Christina Aguilera" on Good Morning America.

    Since when were newscasters supposed to sell "sexy"? Be hucksters for sensualism?

    Once upon a time, journalists were supposed to maintain an air of solemnity for the purpose of establishing believability with their viewers. Gradually over the years this eroded to occasional silliness for the purpose of establishing a 'buddy' relationship with you. (This creates loyalty, they think.) But this morning's little venture was way over the line for what engenders believability in a crisis that may some day occur in a real news story.

    Yes, I know she was reading a script supplied by Good Morning America, but why comply and be their parrot at the expense of losing your own respectability/credibility? My admiration for local tv integrity continues to decline. Become a marketing person and promote "sexy" all you want, but not on the news, please!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

    Good Morning America is not a news show.

    Besides that, what is inherently wrong with stating that Christina Aguilera is "sexy"? Is she, or isn't she? I believe she's a Disney/ABC product -- keep in mind that news has become so much more than news. It's also a platform to market other goods and services.

    Many news stories are placed directly by corporate entities wanting the publicity.

    I'm not sure that there is any such rule as to respectability/credibility. Or if there is, it's outdated and outmoded. These news stations are only out for two things -- to make their parent companies happy, and to get advertising dollars.

  3. #3
    pepsi88 Guest

    Default Re: Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

    We can agree that "These news stations are only out for two things -- to make their parent companies happy, and to get advertising dollars.", as you say. There is no longer any pretense of being a public service to extend their license from the fcc. It is all about money, not 'news'.

    However, the five minute show hosted by Tierney Cook is alleged (by them) to be a news and weather show.

    Perhaps you can understand by stepping back a bit. Go back just two years to the national news hosted (then) by Dan Rather or Peter Jennings. Now imagine hearing either of them describe someone as being 'sexy'. It would not have happened. It would have hurt the dignity of their journalistic endeavors. Certainly the word "sexy" would have been used from time to time, but not as a statement of fact, or even as their opinion.

    The local talking heads, however, are cut from a different bolt of cloth.

  4. Default Re: Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

    The morning shows like GMA and the Today Show are more entertainment-related. They have segments on Today's fashion, recipes, celebrities, along with small spots of "real" news. You can't compare that to the more hard-hitting news that Dan Rather and Peter Jennings and the other evening anchors give. Morning and evening news shows are completely different animals.

    You can even see that on local stations. The morning cast always seems a lot more playful and relaxed in the mornings where the evening newscasts are more about where the fires were, who died, and what the weather is not going to do.
    Still corrupting young minds

  5. #5

    Default Re: Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

    Christina Aguilera is sexy.

    It's like using the word 'President' before George W. Bush.

    It is what it is. Not trying to sell sex, just describing it as it is.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Should TV newscasters label things as 'sexy'?

    makes no difference to me
    Isn't it actually closer to what the news really is?

    reminds me of a story where a business owner was just blackmailed by a con artist. The customer demanded money in exchange for not going to the local news with false info.

    KOCO channel 5 news tried to interview the owner but he was too embarassed. All he said in front of the camera was that he was giving the fake customer money to leave him alone.

    Man they really tried to make the business look bad. It was so hyped up.

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