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Thread: Could you forgive and get past infidelity?

  1. #1

    Default Could you forgive and get past infidelity?

    Could you get past infidelity?.....How would you deal with it if a failure of the relationship left you in dire straits financially.

    Answer seriously please. A couple I know are facing this right now. Neither could survive a divorce yet one (I think both) of them was unfaithful.

    I'll add that I believe money is not a reason to stay together, but for either of them an added rent and utility bill will exceed their income.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Could you forgive and get past infidelity?

    Cheating is never an easy thing to forgive, but with counseling and alot of hard work, it's possible for couples to resolve infidelity. However, I don't think I'd ever really be strong enough to put in that much work to fix a marriage after cheating, and I don't know many people who are willing to put in the work either. Also, money definately isn't a reason to stay together. Money problems is one thing that can quickly ruin a relationship.

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