Fans Needed
I just saw a disturbing story on Channel 5 saying that people who have no air conditioners are in need of fans ..
Can we do a fundraising drive here and get something together and deliver fans to South OKC? It's only going to get worse in the upcoming months.
The news said that they are taking donations and fans to 319 South West 25th between Hudson and Harvey in OKC. The number to call is 232-0199 ext 2300 to request a fan or to make a donation.
This is so sad.. I can't even sleep at night when it's this hot.. it makes me so sad to think of elderly people or young children so hot and uncomfortable. Anyone for that matter.
Fans aren't all that expensive.... can we do this?
Maybe if we all donate a small amount via Paypal, we can collect the funds and go buy fans or donate the money to be used for fans.
Any ideas on how to start?
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "