Hello Todd,
I was just thinking,how about sometime maybe adding a parents section to the board.This could be a place I could MOD if you would like but it could be a place for parents to exchange stories,get tips from other moms,etc.I myself am a parent of an ADHD child and every once in a while it would be great to talk to other parents about these issues and whatever else.I have a lot of Links for sites that moms and dads can put their kids on that are safe and educational.I also have some for first time mommies.I think (SAHMS) Stay at home moms really need to vent to other moms sometimes and get some ideas that do work from other parents and sometimes just a little reassuring.Im no Dr. Phil or anything But I think we could see alot more new faces if they knew they had a place to go get things off their chest and not feel judged but understood.