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Thread: OKC city council meeting

  1. #1

    Default OKC city council meeting

    Oklahoma City Council meeting
    Date: 5/9/2006
    Time: 8:30 a.m.

    Oklahoma City Council will meet at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 9, at 200 N. Walker, 3rd Floor in Council Chamber. For more information, contact Beverly Asberry at 297-3884 or email beverly.asberry@okc.gov

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    Just for everyone's benefit, council meetings are every Tuesday morning at 8:30. Public is welcome.

  3. Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    Here is the link to the OKC Gov home page. http://www.okc.gov/ The agenda for the upcoming meeting can be found there.

    Also, at the end of each council session, there is an opportunity for citizens to address the council. You just fill out a form before the meeting and turn it in to someone that looks official down front. If more people came down and spoke at Council meetings about citywide issues like more sidewalks, litter, better maintenance, and those crappy little signs along side the streets, our city would be a cleaner, more attractive and better place to live.

    IMO, everyone should go to at least one City Council meeting every year. Some parts of the average meeting are boring, but much of the meeting is very informative and you come away with a better idea of how the City works.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    Well I went to the city council meeting today. No new exciting developments this week. Although Councilman Patrick Ryan did bring up the major issue of the sign ordance getting way out of control and mentioned those pesky little yard signs along the roadway. Look for more discussion at next week's city council meeting on this. I plan to speak on it as well.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    I wanted to add. It was sad that I was the only citizen there that did not already have a scheduled presentation. After every citizen made their presentation the place cleared out fast and I was the only one left. This is what OKC needs to change more than anything. Public education about what's going on and how to get involved in the community. Out of 1.2 million people only 1 person cared enough to show up??

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    Maybe they are all watching channel 20 on Tuesday night, it's riveting!

    When there is a hot topic it fills up. Although important, signage isn't a very sexy topic.


  7. Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    True, I watch Edmond City Council meetings on TV all the time. It is much more convenient than driving Downtown and I do not have to feel like I am being rude if I choose to leave because it gets boring.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC city council meeting

    I understand if people can't make the meetings but out of 1.2 million people you'd think more than 1 person would care to show up and make sure everyone is doing their job correctly.

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