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Thread: Anyone hear this "urban legend" from ~1996...

  1. #1

    Default Anyone hear this "urban legend" from ~1996...

    Let me preface this by saying I can only tell you what I know of this as was told to me by a third party, so that immeidately causes me to qualify it as, at best, an urban legend, or perhaps "friend-of-a-friend," but it's a very interesting story if only part of it is true.

    I relate it here to see if anyone here has ever heard about the situation described, and can shed any light on whether it or any part of it actually happened.

    Here's the story...again, this was told to me about 1996 or so (give or take a year or so), from a person I wouldn't presume to pass around junk..

    It seems that a group of wealthy central Oklahoma investors had decided they wanted to elevate Oklahoma's profile nationally, and in particular wanted to pursue an NFL franchise for the Sooner State. These investors first realized they had to build a stadium, centrally located, and opted on a very large piece of property just west of I-35 on the near northwest corner of Norman. Whether they actually bought the property is not clear.

    Time, and plans, progessesed even to the point of initial drawings and plans to amend certain entrances/exits to I-35 to accomodate traffic flow around the presumptive stadium, which was slated to hold about 60,000-65,000 people. The idea was also taking shape to solicit the transfer of an existing NFL franchise to the new facility, although which one isn't clear.

    Plans are rolling, but then a glitch develops. Someone from a group of politicians and investors with a different agenda (let's call them Group "B") comes along and advises the original group that what they're doing would derail their original plans, and should consider abandoning them "for the good of the state." Somehow, somewhere, Group "B" manages to convince group "A" they should quit either politically or through external leverage, and Group "A"'s ambitious plans are abandoned. The new bridge/exits/entrances over I-35 south of the York plant are the only remaining artifact of that plan that ever came to fruition.

    Who was the mysterious "Group B"? None other than some VIP's associated with Oklahoma City who, at the time, were working on some plan called "MAPS..." and were afraid the stadium project would dwarf the baseball park plans that were the centerpiece of MAPS, and kill it. One memeber of this group was, supposedly, Jim Brewer.

    As I said, I make no pretense that this actually happened, and it may all well be pure garbage/fantasy. But I thought if someone else might have heard of it, they could fill in some details and separate fact from fiction...


  2. #2

    Default Re: Anyone hear this "urban legend" from ~1996...

    Sounds plausible. That kind of stuff has been known to happen.

  3. Default Re: Anyone hear this "urban legend" from ~1996...

    This story actually dates back to 1987. City leaders then were trying to attract a professional football team with plans for a 65,000 seat NFL stadium. Group "A", local interested investors, actually had the support of the city's local leadership on this. The plans were derailed by opposition from politicians with strong interests for OU, OU fans and OU brass. This would be your group "B". Remember OU's superpower back in the 1980's, and the strong interests in the team during that time. MAPS was not concieved until 1992.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Anyone hear this "urban legend" from ~1996...

    Very interesting. Sounds like the story has taken on a bit of a life of its own over the years, because it was specifically retold to me as one where the "big" plans were derailed specifically because of OKC-based powerbrokers getting ready to push MAPS, so that would have to push it closer to the mid-part of the 90's.

    Only reason I remember that is because the person who told *me* was from Norman, and the story from that end was that Norman-side "powerbrokers" were highly hacked off that OKC had successfully quashed the plan, and whatever benefit Norman was going to see from it...


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