What are your opions for a gathering? I am thinking of hosting a cookout, like burgers, hot dogs, maybe some stuffed jalpanoes(sp) stuffed peppers how is that. We could setup a horseshoe pit to play, or eat sit around and hangout or we can watch a movies have some people each bring one and choose which one to watch. Sit around around and hangout outside, of course the weather will be a big player is this game as I would like a good day to do this so its nice enough we can sit out side and have fun but not get too hot or too cold. I would like some input on who would like this idea? is it worth to start planning a day and getting things organized? I cna get the burger pattys and hot dogs. Need the input and on who would come, I don't want to go out and get a bunch of meat to cookout and at last minute nobody wants to show up. Is there anything anybody would add to the list of activites?