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Thread: Strip club needed in Bricktown

  1. #1
    Jack Guest

    Default Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Bricktown is supposed to be an entertainment district, right? Why are we excluding certain groups from enjoying their form of entertainment? What would you think about a strip club in Bricktown? How about a club catering to just gay people? Don't you think diversity in Bricktown is what the Creative Class needs? How about a piercing parlor?

  2. Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    This isn't Amsterdam, Jack. That stuff will never be put there and you know it. Bricktown is a family-oriented area. If you want strip clubs and piercings, then you're just going to have to branch out of that little 3-block square to find it.

    Sorry, don't see any of those things going in soon. Just my humble opinion.

  3. #3
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    What's stopping it? That's the point I'm trying to stir up here.

  4. Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Jack--you are as aware as I am as to what city we live in. Oklahoma City just isn't ready for a red light district like you evidently want. Let's keep Night Trips over on Reno next to Hudson's, maybe put in a Planned Parenthood and Christie's Toy Box next door to it, and leave Bricktown for the families and college kids out for dancing. And maybe add some more retail. Not the "dollar store" though.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Yah put strip clubs in Bricktown and what will you have? Another Detroit. I dont think it's a good idea.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Even I would be against this. Do you really want Bricktown to be competing for the Red Dog's clientelle?

    -- although, if a club were to operate in Bricktown, it would most likely be a much nicer club than anything we currently have.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    I don't see anything wrong with adding an upscale establishment. Especially with the NBA probably staying in town, the visiting players have money to spend, and there are reports of them heading in the direction of Reno & Meridian.

    Adding a nice adult venue would not make Bricktown an 'Amsterdam'.

    I also don't see how a piercing or tattoo studio would hurt things either.

    Bricktown isn't supposed to be a 'family' district, it's an entertainment district.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    -- although, if a club were to operate in Bricktown, it would most likely be a much nicer club than anything we currently have.
    definately. The Gold Club is a pretty reputable chain.

    ...so I hear:spin:

  9. #9

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    I don't see anything wrong with adding an upscale establishment. Especially with the NBA probably staying in town, the visiting players have money to spend, and there are reports of them heading in the direction of Reno & Meridian.

    Adding a nice adult venue would not make Bricktown an 'Amsterdam'.

    I also don't see how a piercing or tattoo studio would hurt things either.

    Bricktown isn't supposed to be a 'family' district, it's an entertainment district.
    It's a family district in that the clothes some people wear sometimes result in the creation of families.

    That's what you mean, right?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    I personally just would not do it. Cant we have just one town without strip clubs? I am all for beautiful women dont get me wrong, but those places just draw in the low lifes.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Please don't call my grandmother a lowlife

  12. #12

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    never did dude

  13. #13

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Zulu, who called your g-mother a low life? I don't think anyone suggested that all people in strip clubs are low lifes.

    -- I mean John here even knows that there is a reputable chain.

    If you are trying to make a funny, I would like to suggest you use the 'emoticons' to the left of your message entry box in the full editor.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    If you can't see that was a joke,
    no emoticon will help you....
    but since all sense of humor is obviously absent here, may I turn back dead serious and refer back to Mariner's comment:

    "those places just draw in the low lifes"

    I think Midtowner, that Mariner actually suggested
    that all people in strip clubs are low lifes......
    including my dear old grandmother.....


  15. #15

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    ...or the "joke" itself was humor-challenged...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by crabby_cruiser
    ...or the "joke" itself was humor-challenged...
    That's my view on the subject.

  17. Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    I got the joke instantly... and sometimes it takes me awhile!

    LOL, I like the disclaimer....

    I think it's okay to interject humor into sometimes touchy subjects.... lightens the mood.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. #18

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    mods shouldn't this be moved to the Bricktown forum?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    If you don't think that there are strip clubs in Bricktown, then you haven't been out down there in awhile. j/k... sort of.

    Seriously, though, we already have strip clubs in the city and I think we should use the leverage of the area to attract new businesses and services to OKC. A tattoo parlor would qualify and there wouldn't be anything wrong with it, imo. Tattoos are a booming business and draw all kinds of people, but that would take an act of the legislature to change. Until then, the government will continue to protect you from accidentally getting a safe and quality tattoo in a health inspected establishment in the state of Oklahoma.

    Meanwhile, I doubt any property owner is going to lease to a strip club. I guess an strip club operator can buy a place and open one. I don't think it would be that big of a deal (of course, the big government folks may freak out), but I'm thinking our efforts are better used to encourage property owners to bring new and different establishments to Oklahoma City via the tourist draw of Bricktown.

  20. Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Even I would be against this. Do you really want Bricktown to be competing for the Red Dog's clientelle?

    -- although, if a club were to operate in Bricktown, it would most likely be a much nicer club than anything we currently have.
    Come on, Midtowner. Consider the source. Jack's just baiting for the heck (er, hell) of it! :spin:

  21. #21

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Doug, it's a thought to consider. Do you think a 'high class' strip club might be appropriate for Bricktown? I really think it could be. If you price it high enough (say a $20 cover), it'll keep the Red Dog clientelle out.

    I'm not really sure though. The climate for strip clubs here in OKC is very competitive. These people don't know the meaning of anti-trust. A friend of a friend owned one of these establishments for awhile. It didn't last very long -- the competition from Night Trips was so fierce that the owner of Night Trips would actually pay girls at this fella's establishment NOT to dance there.

    At first, it seems like it might be a feasible idea -- we're not talking about someplace you take the wife and kids (well, wife maybe)upon further examination though, when the current 'establishment' feels threatened, they kick back very hard.

  22. Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Doug, it's a thought to consider. Do you think a 'high class' strip club might be appropriate for Bricktown?
    It's no big to me either way. But there ain't nothing finer than a beautiful woman ... pause ... well, these days, maybe the Hornets, but, of course, it's all there, isn't it?

    As to the more general topic, I don't think that Bricktown is an exclusive "family only" place in the first instance. Ever take your kids (well, I know you don't have any yet, but "your" in the general sense) to a sports bar? To Hooters? Or, for that matter, to Nonna's? Even Toby Keith's? When I go to Nonna's, it's either with my wife or some other good friend who would appreciate it (including the cost)... kids are probably just as happy, maybe more, going over to the Sonic, and it sure costs a heck of a lot less!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    I agree as to the pointlessness of rejecting a business because it's not family friendly. How many 12 year olds would actually be admitted to this hypothetical strip club?

    Anyhow, The folks with kids sometimes forget that the rest of us also like to have a good time.

    Strip clubs aren't really for me -- the crowds and noise just aren't to my liking, but who am I to stand in someone else's fun?

    I wouldn't mind seeing such a business in Bricktown, but due to the above reasons, I don't see it happening.

  24. Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Strip clubs aren't really for me -- the crowds and noise just aren't to my liking ...
    Uh, Midtowner, you gave yourself away! :boff: Sounds to me like you've been there, done that, else how would you know? :tweeted:

    The last time I went to Hooters with my wife was the last time I will go to Hooters with my wife! And that's not even a strip joint! I think that part of my tongue is still lying on the floor there, somewhere! She noticed that I noticed. It wasn't pretty. :surrender

    On the other hand, we join her daughter and her husband to go a "real" strip joint on I-244 many years ago, and she thought nothing of it. Go figure.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Strip club needed in Bricktown

    I went for a friend's 21st. That must have been about 5 years ago. That's the only time I've been to an OKC strip club.

    Other than that, I'll admit that the last time I was afforded an opportunity to go with the future mrs., I declined.

    Hooters on the other hand has excellent wings... and breasts and thighs..


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