Hello Ladies!
I just wanted to be the first to tell you you have yet another Chance to jump on board with Passion Parties!I know things change in everyone's lives and some of you are just not ready but a few of you I have spoke with are very anxious for this one!I'm excited for you so here is the great news for January 2nd, and 12th only!!!Everyone will start at the 40% level thats right you make 40% profit form your parties!You can purchase a smaller a kit and make the amount that you could only profit from purchasing the bigger kit.These two days only.I have had 3 parties the past 5 weeks over $1000 dollars each.Its a great time and opportunity for us all.I hope to hear from you guys!I know that alot of you were waiting for the right moment!I am here for you and now is your time to shine!!!Congrats on your new Career!Contact me right away if you plan on taking advantage of this great opportunity,As I have to have all applications faxed in before Midnight on January 2nd, and the 12th,2006.

Passionately,Lisa Warren

(both in lower case)

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Detroit,Columbus,Miami,Adult toy home party,Canada,Lingerie,Jacksonville,Romance,Green Bay,Google,Orlando,Columbus,Columbia,Raleigh,Linge rie Parties,Charleston,Richmond,Wash dc,Long Island,Online Store,CACOWANVTXILINMIKSMOMSOHKYILINDPAWASCNCOHDCN JMANY Philadelphia,Passion Parties,Alabama,New york,Passion Party,tantra, romantic evening,Queens,Augusta,BoulderLisa,,Sex toy parties,Buisness opportunities,Louisville,Parties By Lisa Warren Oklahoma,Maine,Oregon,Seattle, Boston,PA,Dildos,Hartford,Sorority,Albany,Ohio,,Ha rtford,MA,New Jersey,Kansas City,Providence,Richmond,Adult toy party,Pennsylvannia,Tacoma,Texas,Passion Parties,California,Adult toy parties,Boston,Adult toy parties,Manhatten,Adult toy party,Terre Haute,Passion Parties by Lisa,Wichita,Pleasure Party,Miami,Inland Empire,Passion Party,Orange County,Naughty Girl Parties,Norfolk,Charlotte,Anchorage,Toy party,Fairbanks Alaska,Common Misspellings when searching for Sex Toys