Re: OKC Code Enforcement info.
OKC's enforcement of property maintenaince codes has definitely improved over the past few years, with attention to residential property leading the way. Unfortunately, enforcement of the same or similar codes for commercial and business properties still lags behind. Residential enforcement is handled by the Neighborhood Services Department and commercial property is handled by the Planning Department. And, there is quite a bit of disparity between the way similar issues are handled by the two departments.
For example, if a pile of junk in a residential yard is cited and not cleaned up by the owner, Neighborhood Services can turn the matter over to a contractor for clean up and the property owner will be assessed for the charges. There are also related fines. If the same pile of junk is next to an auto repair business, it becomes a zoning issue and may be considered outdoor storage in certain zonings. No cleanup, no fines. Same way with delapidation, bad roofs, peeling paint etc.
I don't know if this is a matter of political will and City Council doesn't want to give even the slightest appearance of being anti-business, or if it's a budget problem, or a jusrisdiction problem or what. I do know that a lot of junk is laying around on commercial property that wouldn't be permitted on residential property and a lot of commercial property is horribly run down. The worst part is that commercial property is along much more heavily traveled streets and much more visible.
OKC is making progerss on this front but still has a long way to go.
The Old Downtown Guy
It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
to observe and participate in the transformation.