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Thread: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

  1. #1

    Default Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    The coffee bar at 7-11 on SW 4th and Telephone RD was awesome! Big urns of different coffee was always available in the mornings! A variety of coffee creamers let you combine coffee, hot chocolate and creamer for something different.

    But after the remodel, it's average at best. It's no longer my go-to morning stop. So after several years, I'm just making coffee at home to take with me. I'll really miss the friendly staff though in mornings ...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by jstaylor62 View Post
    The coffee bar at 7-11 on SW 4th and Telephone RD was awesome! Big urns of different coffee was always available in the mornings! A variety of coffee creamers let you combine coffee, hot chocolate and creamer for something different.

    But after the remodel, it's average at best. It's no longer my go-to morning stop. So after several years, I'm just making coffee at home to take with me. I'll really miss the friendly staff though in mornings ...
    I was hoping the new corporate leadership would improve cleanliness. I stopped at the NW 36 and Santa Fe store the other day and it was absolutely disgusting. Plenty of employees (listening to music on the phones at the counter) but guessing they don't own a mop as the floor clearly hadn't been mopped in a long time.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    OnCue definitely wins the convenience store coffee game.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    For a number of years I stated that IMO 7-11 had the best coffee around.

    Their 100% Colombian was really good, especially for a Dollar.

    Since the corporate has taken over, it's just about doubled in price and the quality seems way down.

    In fact, pretty much everything has increased in price at least 50% to 100% since they took over.

    Nobody gives a crap anymore.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    My husband goes to the one on 119th and Western every morning and said that they apparently have a creamer shortage at that one.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ward View Post
    For a number of years I stated that IMO 7-11 had the best coffee around.

    Their 100% Colombian was really good, especially for a Dollar.

    Since the corporate has taken over, it's just about doubled in price and the quality seems way down.

    In fact, pretty much everything has increased in price at least 50% to 100% since they took over.

    Nobody gives a crap anymore.
    They've even installed some air pumps that require payment!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by MagzOK View Post
    They've even installed some air pumps that require payment!
    Not sure if you're a CostCo member but I figured it's worth mentioning they have two free pumps on the side of the building next to the auto garages that are free and are actually very nice. Change the PSI to your tire's specifics and then it locks into place and does the rest for you.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy_patrick View Post
    Not sure if you're a CostCo member but I figured it's worth mentioning they have two free pumps on the side of the building next to the auto garages that are free and are actually very nice. Change the PSI to your tire's specifics and then it locks into place and does the rest for you.
    Which Costco? I don't seem to recall that at the Memorial/Western location. I think it's a great idea.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ward View Post
    Which Costco? I don't seem to recall that at the Memorial/Western location. I think it's a great idea.
    Well this is being posted in the Moore sub forum.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ward View Post
    For a number of years I stated that IMO 7-11 had the best coffee around.

    Their 100% Colombian was really good, especially for a Dollar.

    Since the corporate has taken over, it's just about doubled in price and the quality seems way down.

    In fact, pretty much everything has increased in price at least 50% to 100% since they took over.

    Nobody gives a crap anymore.
    I blame two things as a former employee.

    1. Dallas came in and slashed all 401ks, profit sharing, and pay for all employees. At one point it was possible, under Brown management, to retire from 7-Eleven. It wasn't the best job, but it was a good job for people who didn't have a skilled background. The profit sharing and 401k program the Browns offered wasn't too bad.

    2. Management. The Browns, whether you liked the shop there or not, knew how to manage the company. Every location was standardized and somewhat clean. I don't know about the inner city locations, but the Moore, and Edmond locations were very consistent. District managers were there every day, and if they couldn't make it in, another district manager stopped by to make sure things were operating up to the owner's standards.

    After the Brown's sold, DM positions were cut and all management was left to a location by location basis. District is still a position, but they have more locations to cover and from my experience, there's a large gap between who they report to. It's a mess.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy_patrick View Post
    Not sure if you're a CostCo member but I figured it's worth mentioning they have two free pumps on the side of the building next to the auto garages that are free and are actually very nice. Change the PSI to your tire's specifics and then it locks into place and does the rest for you.
    There's also Oncue which will probably be busier now since 7-11 is now charging.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    For many reasons, coffee quality being one, I've decided that I'll no longer support 7/11. On- Cue is now my destination of choice for fuel and coffee.
    I thing I really like about On Cue is how clean they keep their stores (inside and outside). I often see them power washing the parking lots at On Cue, I've never seen 7/11 do any washing/cleaning on the outside.

  13. Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    ^^ Agree, I will normally go out of my way when needing gas to go to OnCue, not that it's hard to do anymore. And if running inside for something, they are clean just overall nice.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by floyd the barber View Post
    I blame two things as a former employee.

    1. Dallas came in and slashed all 401ks, profit sharing, and pay for all employees. At one point it was possible, under Brown management, to retire from 7-Eleven. It wasn't the best job, but it was a good job for people who didn't have a skilled background. The profit sharing and 401k program the Browns offered wasn't too bad.

    2. Management. The Browns, whether you liked the shop there or not, knew how to manage the company. Every location was standardized and somewhat clean. I don't know about the inner city locations, but the Moore, and Edmond locations were very consistent. District managers were there every day, and if they couldn't make it in, another district manager stopped by to make sure things were operating up to the owner's standards.

    After the Brown's sold, DM positions were cut and all management was left to a location by location basis. District is still a position, but they have more locations to cover and from my experience, there's a large gap between who they report to. It's a mess.
    I never understood all the hatred on this board for the Browns and their management of the OKC 7-11s. The deterioration of the local stores is no surprise. I’ve been in “corporate” owned 7-11s in other states and they were all dumps.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    There’s nothing wrong with them. They aren’t supposed to flashy and high end. They’re just no frill convenience stores. The ones in OKC are among the nicer ones and the new ones elsewhere are nice too. They’ve opened a few new ones on Hollywood BLVD that are pretty nice. Lots of them in LA seem to be franchised.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    They aren’t supposed to flashy and high end. .
    I would settle for just being clean

  17. #17

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Just one of the many things ruined by corporate unfortunately. They were my go-to place for gas because they were always the cheapest. It’s not even close anymore. I have a Sams membership specifically for their gas now.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Congrats to 7-11 for destroying the best coffee bar in the Metro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    I would settle for just being clean
    You would think that shouldn’t be hard to do.

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