I haven't had a chance to get any pictures or anything but the demo team has made quick work of tearing out the southbound side bridge. It's totally gone now. All traffic is crammed on to the northbound side.
I'm actually surprised that the traffic hasn't really been all that bad. COVID has so many people staying at home, that the traffic has been lighter anyway. And now that Sunnylane is done, there's plenty of room to go that way to avoid Sooner's new bottleneck.
They had the rebar pillars on-site before they even started demo, so i'm hoping that's a sign that the bridge will start going on fairly quickly. It's always faster to demo than build, but I can hope.
I'm not sure if they are going to need to rip out the existing bridge footings on the approaches. If so, then there's quite a bit of demo left to go. And if they plan on making a single structure, then yeah still more demo and i'm curious how that's going to work to build in phases. Makes the most sense to me to make 2 new 3-lane bridges and hopefully not just putting 2 2-lane bridges back. That 3rd land would go a long way to getting the turn lane traffic where it needs to be instead of clogging up the through lanes.