The night before the Kennedy Assassination a mother, Margery Elston and her eighteen year old daughter from a previous marriage named Melinda Strain departed their home in Warr Acres in the evening to visit some friends in Nichols Hills. They were driving a brand new Cadillac.
They disappeared, no trace of them or their vehicle. Due to the Kennedy Assassination the next afternoon the story got very little news coverage.
In 1990 during construction of the Hefner Parkway or the Stars and Stripes Park at Lake Hefner, a dike and culvert surrounding a pond, referred to as "The Duck Pond" was disturbed allowing the pond to rapidly drain at which time the top of a vehicle was observed.
It was found to be the Elston vehicle and the two missing women were still inside.
A friend that does YouTube features regarding Oklahoma City area history and unusual incidents is preparing a video regarding this tragedy and is trying to locate the pond involved.
All the old roadways have been changed or removed due to the construction of Hefner Parkway, but several of the ponds which were constructed to control overfill of Lake Hefner still remain and a man that passed away recently proclaimed the pond involved still exists.
Anybody have knowledge of the exact location of the pond involved?