And if you live in OKC, what part?
As for me, I live in Mesta Park. I live in a historic house (in which I rent an apartment) in a historic neighborhood. I'm 24 years old, but it reminds me of the house in which I grew up. I love this area because of its cozy feel. The homes in this area are gorgeous. Plus, I love being close to downtown. I am able to ride my bike downtown in about 10 minutes. I just shoot down Robinson and admire the beautiful buildings downtown. Then I hit Sheridan and watch the progress in Bricktown. On my way back I take Broadway to see what's new in Automobile Alley.
Also, I'm 5 minutes from Penn Square Mall, 5 minutes from the bulk of the Western Avenue district, 5 minutes from downtown/Bricktown, in the heart of the Asian District, 5 minutes from Paseo, close to NW Expressway. Overall, a really cool location.
What about you?