Kathy Jeanette Box-Doyle, 56, is an Oklahoma County resident and her one-woman 'protest' has become a fixture outside the Oklahoma County Courthouse in downtown Oklahoma City, literally daily, since March of this year (2018).
If you've visited the courthouse through the north entrance off of Robert S. Kerr Ave., in the last 6+ months, then you couldn't have avoided seeing her handmade signs that take up almost the entirety of the northwest side of the building from the main entrance to Hudson Ave. (see pic)...
Doyle's efforts have been reported on by the KFOR News Ch4 in May and the Oklahoman in June.
Doyle claims her protest is the result of a feeling that she has yet to receive the justice she deserved after divorcing her former husband Carlton J. Doyle (she actually divorced him twice) - Her most recent divorce was filed in 2012 and 'finalized' in 2014. That said, Kathy Doyle continues to file motions Pro Se - with the most recent being on 8/9/2018.
Most recently Kathy Doyle doesn't even appear to be manning her protest signs for hours at a time. She leaves and simply posts this sign acknowledging she is absent.... The picture below I took this morning (Sunday, Sept. 2, 2018 at 7am)....
She's also setup a semi-permanent 'office' for herself where she stores signs, supplies and creates new signs (see pic)...
I've seen her with a small portable grill, cooking herself lunch and dinner on the sidewalk. I've also received information that she urinates in the parking garage to the north when the publicly accessible buildings in the area are closed.
Anyone who knows me knows that I very much support an individual's right to protest. In fact, I stood in front of that very courthouse, years ago, protesting then Oklahoma County District Attorney Wes Lane. That said, at what point is Kathy Doyle's protest 'going too far'?
For one, her signs make some very disparaging personal remarks about some elected officials that have absolutely nothing to do with her grievance. Most importantly however, her 'protest' has grown in size that it obstructs the use of the common areas outside the courthouse. Her signs block seating areas and many county employees tell me they are fearful of being seen anywhere near the protest signs for fear others will think they support Kathy Doyle's efforts. How large of an area should a single person be allowed to take up/obstruct in their protest? Should she only be allowed signs she can carry or stand next to? Lastly, is she even allowed by law to place her signs in these areas and then leave them unattended? If so, what keeps any citizen from simply lining the courthouse with signs and then walking away and claiming it's a protest that cannot be regulated or restrained.
1.) Kathy Doyle appears to have a website at this link.
2.) You can get a sense of Kathy Doyle's history with the courts (appellate, Cleveland County, Logan County and Oklahoma County) at this OSCN link.
3.) Kathy Doyle's Facebook profile.