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Thread: OKC Craft Beer Festival

  1. Default OKC Craft Beer Festival

    Okay so this is the first year I've attended, but the friends I went with today were saying that this was the biggest turnout they've seen since this was started several years ago. It was great fun. I look forward to next year's festival after the liquore law changes kick in.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The picture is just one aisle of 3 & 1/2 to go though.

    I bought the VIP tickets and there were so many booths and not nearly enough time to sample them all.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC Craft Beer Festival

    The hubby and I went to the Friday night session and it was pretty great. The homebrewers and breweries-in-planning section, in my opinion, is always the best part of the OCBF, but the local breweries that are already up and running are cranking out some fantastic brews too. Absolutely agree, there are always so many breweries that it's almost impossible to get to them all, but it's always a fun time. The only downside of this year is, in previous years, they invited several food trucks out to serve food along with the beer... This year, only Fassler Hall had a booth in one corner. Now, the food was very tasty, but it was disappointing to not have options as in the past.

    That said, totally, absolutely worth the price of admission.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC Craft Beer Festival

    Where was it located this year?

  4. Default Re: OKC Craft Beer Festival

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    The hubby and I went to the Friday night session and it was pretty great. The homebrewers and breweries-in-planning section, in my opinion, is always the best part of the OCBF, but the local breweries that are already up and running are cranking out some fantastic brews too. Absolutely agree, there are always so many breweries that it's almost impossible to get to them all, but it's always a fun time. The only downside of this year is, in previous years, they invited several food trucks out to serve food along with the beer... This year, only Fassler Hall had a booth in one corner. Now, the food was very tasty, but it was disappointing to not have options as in the past.

    That said, totally, absolutely worth the price of admission.
    Yeah, having food booths seems like a no-brainer for something like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    Where was it located this year?
    Cox convention center.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC Craft Beer Festival

    I went for the first time this year. My wife and I volunteered the VIP session then attended the Saturday Evening session. The VIP session was a lot fuller than the one we attended. The volunteer leaders said that the VIP session was the only one that was sold out.

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