There are now plans for some major developments along Classen Blvd near Highway 9 in Norman. There are plans for a Starbucks, Wendey's, OnCue, car wash, and possibly an Aldi Grocery Store.
There are now plans for some major developments along Classen Blvd near Highway 9 in Norman. There are plans for a Starbucks, Wendey's, OnCue, car wash, and possibly an Aldi Grocery Store.
Two words. Dunkin' Donuts.
Work has started on the Aldi's Grocery Store, Starbucks and Arvest Bank on Classen Blvd just south of Highway 9.
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OKC - please note use of sidewalks even though there is nothing at this intersection currently.
Glad to see Norman growing more. I wish I could find a job in Norman that pays what I can earn in OKC. I'd move back without much hesitation.
Oh, how I miss Norman. When I lived there, I couldn't wait to get back to OKC. But now that I'm in OKC... I took for granted all the nice stuff in Norman.
OKC is all good and well, but Norman was so much more.... "user friendly". Nothing was more than a few miles away. Roads were great, and it seems that people took care of their property much more than OKC. Even though there is way more wealth and power in OKC overall, the extremely spread out & patchwork nature of the "nice" areas really makes a difference in terms of the overall experience. The roads though.. c'mon OKC, outside of the showpiece downtown, the roads all over the NW side of town are terrible. Same with the N/S/E/W/SE/NE/SE parts of town.
*Disclaimer - I drive a car with stiff suspension. Moving back to OKC really makes me want to get a Cadillac, just for the sake of my spine.
Starbucks soon to open with Panda Express (likely) breaking ground next to it. This is located on Classen Blvd at the E HIghway 9 interchange.
Any updates on the Aldi that was planned for next to Panda Express?
A hospital is being planned for the south side too... Where the old fun center, forget the name of it, was located.
The Starbucks looks nice
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